Inauguration Special
I know I’m not the only one celebrating today.
What state are you celebrating from?
— Gunther Eagleman™ (@GuntherEagleman) January 20, 2025
A technical malfunction kept the music from playing for Carrie Underwood at the inauguration.
After a short pause, Carrie took matters into her own hands and started singing solo.
The result is absolute chills:
What a
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) January 20, 2025
In an appearance that stuns the mind, former presidents attend the Trump Inauguration: All, except Biden, are clones. Biden is played by actor Arthur Roberts.
The last time I saw them, they were at G.H.W. Bush’s funeral and received a note from Bush Sr. saying “They know everything.” After that they were tribunaled, executed, and replaced as you see them now. Speak of unprecedented occurrences. Does one smile or recoil in shock? (References at bottom of article.)
Insider Paper, Telegram, January 20, 2025
NEW: Trump, on his first day, will suspend the security clearances for the 51 national security officials who “lied” about Hunter Biden’s laptop ahead of the 2020 presidential election – Fox News
BREAKING – President-elect Trump says he’s going to be declassifying documents on assassinations of JFK, RFK and Martin Luther King, Jr.
In my opinion, climate change is a fraud.
From CNN no less.
The Biden stand-in pardons the Fauci clone.
See “Gitmo Double-Header Execution: Anthony Fauci & Loretta Lynch,” Real Raw News, April 25, 2022, at
“Biden” pardons his family.
A dead-Biden stand-in has pardoned a dead Mark Milley. Milley was executed at Gitmo on Oct. 13, 2023: See Michael Baxter, “Mark Milley Hanged at Gitmo,” Real Raw News, Oct. 15, 2023, at This really is all theater.
Meanwhile the work goes on….
Never mind energy and student loans. The swamp will get drained.
V for Vendetta is a movie about … draining the swamp. It’s said that Trump’s messages are often conveyed through his or Melania’s clothing choices.
From yesterday:
The Real President representing the American People! 🇺🇸
He could have hidden away in the basement, afraid of the threats of foreign entities and leftist violence.
INSTEAD, he comes out, on the eve of his Inauguration, to support the people and his commitment to this country.— Rochellemaryn 🌹🕊️ (@RochelleAz) January 19, 2025
— RSBN 🇺🇸 (@RSBNetwork) January 19, 2025
Keep in mind that a masked actor (Arthur Roberts) playing Joe Biden has pardoned the J6 Committee. I think it doubtful that a pardon by a stand-in carries any legal weight.
Keep in mind as well that Liz Cheney and Adam Schiff have already been tribunaled and executed at Gitmo. (1) This will be revealed, I’m sure, during the ten days of broadcasts.
A Statement from J6 Whistleblower, J6er, and Persecuted Green Beret Master Sergeant Jeremy Brown on President Trump’s Promise to Pardon Non-Violent J6ers
Brian Lupo, Gateway Pundit, Jan. 20, 2025
This morning, Joe Biden issued a preemptive pardon for the J6 Committee against any prosecution from the federal government, especially the Department of Justice presumed to be led by former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi.
President Trump, on the contrary, has promised to pardon many, if not most, of the J6 political hostages, possibly “within the first nine minutes” after taking the Oath of Office.
Among those who could receive pardons is retired Green Beret Master Sergeant Jeremy Brown. MSgt Brown has been in prison in Florida after he was convicted on several charges relating to firearms he admittedly owned, but also for fragmentation grenades he maintains were planted during a raid of his home in Florida in September of 2021. He was found guilty in federal court in December 2022. The Gateway Pundit was among the only national publications covering the trial.
This morning, MSgt Brown sent a statement to The Gateway Pundit regarding this historical inauguration and what it means to the political prisoners of the Biden Administration:
“I’m breaking my silence on the eve of a day that has, for me, been 7+ years in the making.
“In just hours, we find out whether the innocent lives of Ashli, Roseanne, Kevin and Benjamin were TAKEN in vain by a Gov so compromised by foreign influence and drunk on its own power, that it doesn’t know the difference between a Patriot and a Terrorist.
“Since I have 5 amazing Daughters, tomorrow will only be the 6th most important day of my life. But not since the eve of my 1st combat deployment as a young Army Ranger has a day been as anticipated, uncertain and filled with suspense.
“As a Green Beret, 2 decades of training and experience has inoculated me from the effects of ‘Hopium,’ because every Warrior knows, ‘Hope is not a plan!’
“My Grandfather, a WWII Navy Vet, always taught me, ‘You can want in 1 hand and shit in the other and see which 1 fills up 1st!’
“So, I’ve learned, ACTIONS, not WORDS, are how men should be judged. Today I completed reading the ACTIONS of Suzzanne Monk and her PardonProject Team, many of who I’ve come to know and respect. I just spoke to her to personally tell her, for the 1st time in nearly 40 months, I felt HOPE!
“But NOT hope that I’ll be free (I am ready), but HOPE that there are OTHERS, besides those supporting me, working together with a PLAN!
“Now, we see if Mr. Trump follows that plan and takes ACTION! May the tides shift towards LIBERTY and JUSTICE! De Oppresso Liber–Jeremy Brown, USSF MSG (Ret.)”
MSgt Brown, as mentioned, is currently incarcerated in Florida after an FBI raid yielded several other “crimes” not necessarily related to January 6th. MSgt Brown did not enter the US Capitol and was there as security for speakers who had requested his assistance given his expertise. During the raid of his home, all 14 of his security cameras were turned off.
It is unclear if the pardons from President Trump will include “crimes” that were unrelated to January 6th but became “the fruit of the poisoned tree.”
(1) See:
- Michael Baxter, “Liz Cheney Hanged at Gitmo,” Real Raw News, April 27, 2023, at
- ….., “Shifty Adam Schiff Faces Firing Squad,” Real Raw News, Aug. 15, 2021, at
President Trump addresses his Inaugural Parade, detailing his new executive orders
He looks tired. Good job, Mr. President. (I almost said: Send in the clones!)
1. George Bush Jr.
- Michael Baxter, “George W. Bush Hanged at GITMO,” Real Raw News, Jan. 6, 2022, at
2. Barack Obama:
- Medeea Greere, “BQQM! GITMO is Full! Collection Of Mind Blowing: The List Of All Arrests From 2020-2023 | Dismantling the Deep State Operatives and Doubles | What’s Really Going On Behind The Scenes…,” AMG-News, Sept. 25, 2024, at
- ….., “BOMBSHELL! Make GITMO Great Again! A Military Tribunal In GITMO: List of Those Believed Named in Over 700,000 Sealed Indictments,” AMG-news, Oct. 21, 2024, at
3. Bill Clinton
- Michael Baxter, “Bill Clinton Death Ruled a Homicide, Death by Poison,” Real Raw News, September 30, 2021 at
4. Hillary Clinton
- Michael Baxter, “Hillary Clinton Hanged at GITMO,” Real Raw News, April 26, 2021 at