Lately I have been memorizing the definitions of the Mother’s Divine Blessings and Virtues (1a) put forth in Linda Dillon’s book, The Great Awakening and truly, deeply feeling how they hold us in the middle in the heart, in the midst of conflict.
They are a pathway through our Ascension.
Here in this radio show with Steve from 2014, the Divine Mother says just that:
Grace is the anchoring in greater form of the divine qualities, of the blessings and virtues, in your form, in your personality, influencing what you think of as your ego, in your body, in your field.
Now, why do I do this? Well, I could tell you I have my reasons. But let us be very practical this day. You are being swept, infused, by my love, but there is a next step that some of you, many of you, are pleading for. Again, you did not even know this, but it is the integration of the energy into your everyday reality.
Many of you have been praying and pleading, begging, for relief, for reprieve. My sweet angels, I would suggest to you that I have a greater understanding of what brings you relief in the truest sense, that you may go forward and claim your place as ascended beings in form, as creator race.
In this incredible channeling from our Divine Mother is so much to give us comfort.
An Hour with an Angel, July 10, 2014, with the Divine Mother
Suzanne Maresca: Hello, and welcome to An Hour with an Angel, with Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love and author of The New You: Emerging into the Brilliance of Humanity’s Heart Consciousness.
Joining her is Steve Beckow, founder of the Golden Age of Gaia and author of Building Nova Earth: Toward a World that Works for Everyone.
I’m Suzanne Maresca, sitting in for GD, and I’m pleased to say that our guest today is the Divine Mother. So, with that, I’ll turn it over to you, Steve.
Steve Beckow: Thank you, Suzi. Thanks for sitting in for Graham today as well.
Today our guest is the Divine Mother. And we ordinarily would have a bit of a pre-show chat with Linda, but Linda has asked us to go directly to the Divine Mother, who has much to say to us today. So, with that, I’ll welcome the Divine Mother.
Divine Mother: And welcome to you. I am Mother of change, Mother of Constancy, Mother of All, and Mother of One. Blessings to all of you.
As I have beckoned each and every one of you, not only this night, not only this day, but every day. I am calling to you. I am calling to each of your beings, to your hearts, to your forms, to your bodies, to your beings, to every single particle of you.
You magnificent angels, hybrids, humans, star beings in form, you who have been birthed from my heart and from the very core of One, whether it was a hundred years ago or a billion years ago, it matters not, for you carry the divinity within you. And that spark, my beloved children, can never be dimmed.
You can try and ignore it. You can try and hide it. You can try and bury it. But it is not going anywhere. And with my legions — and there are many — I reignite this spark within you.
What do you think the various gifts that I have been bringing to you, that I, we, have been bringing to you, delivering to your doorstep, delivering within your heart, your shins, your knees, your back, your central column, your expanded field, what do you think, feel, believe, my blessed children, that these gifts are about?
First of all, I emphasize to you how precious you are.
How deeply valued, not as an instrument of our will, not as an expression of our being, for are we not united? Of course. But your uniqueness, your expression, is splendid. Let me be very clear about this.
Have there been detours? Have there been those of you in this or other lifetimes that have chosen circuitous paths? Well, there certainly are.
Does that extinguish your uniqueness, your beauty, your wonder, the blessing of Who You Are? No. You may forget, you may hide, you may wander off to the far reaches of the shadows of the Universe, but we do not forget. And that is why we gather you.
And that is why you have gathered as a unified whole. When you have said to each other, to Gaia, to the kingdoms, to me, that you would come to this blessed planet Earth during this time of transformation, we, the I AM, bring to your doorstep, humbly, everything that I Am.
You cannot even begin to fathom what I am saying, and yet I say this not as the voice in the Silence, not as the voice crying in the wilderness, (1) but as the voice that speaks to humanity. And I do not mean just you, my sweet angels, who listen this night; I speak to the people of Earth, I call to the people of Earth, and I beckon to all of you: please heed not only what I say, but what I offer, what I bring, among which what I bring is explanations and understanding, wisdom and vision and information, that you go forward in tandem and in your uniqueness.
I have come to your shores, the shores of your planet and the shores of your being, to wash you, to bathe you, to cleanse you, to penetrate you, to integrate you, yes, with my clarity, with my purity, with my tsunami of love. And these are catalysts for your expansion, for your raising up, for your ascension, for your great awakening. But it is time. This day, I also add to what I lay at your doorstep, what I instill within your heart, and that is the greater anchoring of grace. (2)
Now, how, how is grace any different than my essence, my love? In which you are completely immersed, whether you know it or not. And I will address that as well.
Grace is the anchoring in greater form of the Divine Qualities, of the blessings and virtues, in your form, in your personality, influencing what you think of as your ego, in your body, in your field.
Now, why do I do this? Well, I could tell you I have my reasons. But let us be very practical this day. You are being swept, infused, by my love, but there is a next step that some of you, many of you, are pleading for. Again, you did not even know this, but it is the integration of the energy into your everyday reality.
Many of you have been praying and pleading, begging, for relief, for reprieve. My sweet angels, I would suggest to you that I have a greater understanding of what brings you relief in the truest sense, that you may go forward and claim your place as ascended beings in form, as creator race.
Before I speak of this, what I wish to address, if you will permit me…
SB: Yes, Mother.
DM: Thank you — is this sense that some of you are witnessing and some of you are feeling regarding my tsunami of love, which is not even at its crescendo, at its highest peak as yet. So I am adding these Divine Qualities in your human form so that you may deal with the increased energy that I am about to give you. And there is no stopping the tsunami. Let me be clear about this. You have asked to ascend as One, and you will, but there is work to be done.
Now, some of you have joined me in the ecstasy of bliss, and I thank you. I thank you for letting me in. You say, “Well, Mother, I knew you were coming in anyway.” That is true, but there are many who resist.
Now, let us talk about this group [who resist] — some who are oblivious. They do not truly concern me, for in many ways they are the most effortless to penetrate. But those who are despondent, depressed, in despair, or who say, “I don’t feel anything,” you are praying for relief and then telling me, which I have no objection to, exactly how this relief will take place, what it will look like, what the tangible form will be, how it will look and smell and taste, and I want to give you more than that.
I am not merely talking about giving you more tools. I am talking, addressing you, all of you of this planet, I am talking about fundamentally changing — not evolution, shift — what it means to be human. You say to me, “Mother, can you do that?” We are Creator Force. And everything that we create is of love, including grace, including clarity, including purity, including hope, and charity, and perseverance, and fortitude.
Now, there are three groups, some who are feeling the very rapid and strong currents of the tsunami, because you have volunteered to do this for the oblivious group, and to assist those who are struggling in awareness. Now, the difficulty in this, if you are doing your work, the infusion of the grace will help, and the central breathing of blue. Take yourself out of the rapids, child, and come and sit by the shore, or on your front lawn, or on your bed! I will tend to you.
Then there is the second group who is afraid to believe. I have believed so many things, and I have hoped for so many things, so I don’t dare trust. And, sweet angels, again it is not so much that you do or do not trust me, us, all, it is the fundamental denial of trusting yourselves, of trusting not only that you are guided, but your own guidance, about why you are on the planet of Gaia in the first place. Why has this sweet planet even accepted you?
So, might I ask you to stand back and let go of that fear and mistrust? I am banging, knocking on the door to your heart. Please let me in.
Then there is the third group. And these are the ones that need help, for they are tired. They are battle-weary, and it is not that you do not serve. It is that you serve with everything you have. And you feel that you have nothing left to give. And you feel somewhat that you are semi-comatose.
Let us take you to the shallows, to the crystal-clear blue water, and hold you the way we have held you so long ago in the Dead Sea, that you will simply float and receive regeneration and the love. My beloved ones, you are not done yet. Yes, if you choose to come home, I will welcome you. I will lift you up. I will celebrate your return. But let us also be clear, that does not end your journey. It simply alters the course. And you continue on.
But you can stay in form, and know — not think, not maybe, but know — not only my love, but the love of All. And you will learn very rapidly to love yourself again. Perhaps this is not what you desire, but this is part of my creation, my unfoldment, my Plan. So this is not about exclusion. People of Earth, children of Gaia, you have suggested, you have prayed, you have decided and chosen that you ascend as One.
Now, many of you have already begun the process. The wayshowers, the gatekeepers, the pillars have never been busier! And you have actually been sent additional grand assistance by the angelic realm of every realm. Yes. So if you come upon a seraph at the gate, do not worry! They are on duty waiting for you. (3)
They’ll take your hand and they will unfurl your wings, and remind you Who You Are. So Who Are You? Who is this group, now particularly, this group of — might I call you light-bearers, love-bearers? — who lead the way. You are ancient souls, coming from every corner of the Universe, every realm, every what you think of as dimension, who have said, “We can do this.”
We are creating a new species — if I say it this way, you will understand — a new species of human, conscious, heart-directed, brilliant, creative and determined. And you are doing it not by leaving, but by staying.
Many of you say to me, “But Mother, I am tired.” Even those of you who are most vigorous. And I say, rest in the waves, rest in my arms, rest in the arms of Gaia, rest by the Council fire, rest on ship, rest in the wild places, or the inner cities. We will replenish you.
We have not asked of you to give up your life or your life-force for this Ascension, for this shift. That was never the Plan. Not yours, and not ours.
So of course we will heal you and replenish you, particularly my beloved Raphael. What do you think he’s doing? So few of you call on him! And so few of you are taking the actions that in fact make you feel stronger in every meaning of the word daily! And so few of you are taking the actions that will make you feel more gentle, more loving, more alive every day! And yes, we give you the lift every day!
I do not say that to criticize. But I also tell you, today is not about the tools. It is beyond that. It is I, as your Mother, not only calling you but asking you to complete. I am not asking you to come to me. I have come to you as never before. I am not merely standing in front of you or next to you or flooding the planet. I am within you. And that is why I have said, I Am the tsunami, and you are the tsunami. I am Gaia, and you are Gaia. I am peace, and you are peace.
One of the difficulties with the tsunami is that so many of you are expecting high drama. Yes, the human addiction of the old realm. I tell you right now, you cannot be in grace, in love, being love and engender or embody drama. They do not, and they cannot, coexist. I do not contain the drama. So the humans who are saying, “I don’t feel anything,” are expecting high drama. That is not the way that we work.
We have had quite enough drama to last until the end of time, which is never going to happen, by the way. So shed the addiction to drama. Give it to Raphael or Raj. Let us eliminate this silly addiction once and for all. Because drama is created only to serve lower vibration — control, greed, lust, hatred, fear — and that will never create anything, except stall, freezing, being stuck, as you put it.
So, let this go. And when you are witnessing the drama — and you have many, many fine examples at the moment; you do not need to create it personally; simply look to the Middle East — but this is where it started and where it will finish. It is the process that we do not speak of very often but of elimination and dis-creation.
In the creation of Nova Earth, yes, there will be emotions. That is the delight of being human. And the cities of light will radiate with diversity. But the drama that tears down the human heart and mind, there is no place for it.
And the Ascension, which is at mid-point, can not be completed without this elimination. So often you say to me, “Mother, where is the Company of Heaven in helping us?” Well, this is something we are helping with. We are answering your prayers and your pleas in ways that are larger than you think. And very specific.
So I am not saying, sweet angels who are experiencing such physical discomfort, dis-ease, imbalance — it matters not what you call it — I am not saying, “Can you please just continue to suffer until I raise the entire vibration of the planet?” That is not what I say to you. I Am your Mother.
So, again, let me tend to you. Let me wipe your brow and heal your ailments. And yes, my legions assist. So the home health care is at your door. Again, please, let us in.
There are those amongst you who have the highest intention, who suggest to you that this change that I speak of, the creation — yes, dear Steve, I use your words — of a world that works for everyone, everyone and every being, takes decades or millennia. That does not speak well to my abilities, does it? I suggest to you, I guide you: this is not correct.
Can this occur in the blink of an eye? Yes. Has it? Well, for some of you it actually has. That switch went on and you said, “Ah, I get it. I am it.” But the creation, this creation that we are speaking of, of a new human being, of the original form, improved somewhat, is being undertaken in co-creation, in sacred union and partnership with each of you.
And I speak to you, of course, who are at the head of the wave, but I also call out to every person on Earth. I call out to the extremist carrying the missile, or wielding the gun, or shouting obscenities in the name of God. Where is the love? Where is the charity? The compassion?
I beckon to all of you, and I penetrate all of you. And so, will there be a crisis of faith, of conscience? For many, yes. Because that warrior, that soldier will say, “I don’t feel right about this. I feel like I must lay down my arms.” And they will say, “How am I supposed to serve?”
But understand, you have been serving a man-made image of God and of what we desire. You got it wrong. I do not wish for bloodshed or mayhem. Chaos is boring. Relinquish, and relinquish now.
Now, I know I have gone on, dear Steve.
SB: Not at all, Mother.
DM: But I had need. You may begin your questions.
SB: [chuckle] Thank you very much. The quotation, “A world that works for everyone,” is actually from Werner Erhard, as you know. I know you know.
DM: But Werner gives it to you!
SB: Yes! Thank you! I accept. Thank you very much. This Ascension is not only unique in the sense that it’s a physical Ascension, that we’re ascending with the body, and it’s not only unique in that it’s a mass ascension, that we’re all ascending as One, everyone who wants to go.
But it’s also unique in that, in past generations the masters would have come in and urged us to turn from the world and seek God, realize ourselves, and ascend. And in this particular Ascension, this generation is being asked to build Nova Earth as well as ascend. So there’s a divine component and a human component.
And that can be confusing. Because some may say, “Well, you should meditate more,” for instance. But the other people working on the projects might say, “Well, but yes, but I’m concentrated on building Nova Earth.”
So can you talk about this for a while? How we’re to carry on these two tasks simultaneously, please?
DM: Now, each of you have brought all of your abilities to Earth. So I am not simply being casual or flip when I say, “Do it all.” Because meditation is connection, and guidance, but if it is not in this time, particularly this phase, followed through with action, then you are not in the fullness of the co-creation, sacred union partnership that we are speaking of. You are not translating it into form.
And then, if you are simply building, building, building, without ever meditating or praying or keying in, then you are building a planet without a blueprint. This is unique. It is a new creation. Can you imagine, my son, in all this expanse, that this is new?
SB: And the first time it’s happening is on Earth.
DM: That is correct. So it is physical, and it is spiritual. But it is not to the exclusion of either/or. Now, will there be individuals particularly depending upon their, can we say, their ancestry or roots or dimensionality that prefer the prayer and meditation route, that can receive the guidance and say, “This is what the blueprint looks like”? Yes.
And are there those that are more comfortable picking up the hammer or the CAD drawings to construct Nova Earth or the cities of light? Of course. But it is the cooperation, it is the unity…. Put it this way: I have incarnated at one time, as you know…
SB: Yes.
DM: … as the mother [of Jesus], and Yeshua, and my beloved husband, Joseph, were carpenters and carpenters of the finest ilk. They were builders. And they were builders of men, and they were builders of the physical realm, mostly homes. But it was not an either/or.
So I am asking each of you not to become Christian, for that would be most certainly a misnomer! A misstep! I am asking you to be both the carpenter and the guide for humanity.
And how are you the guide? Listening to yourself and listening to us, receiving, receiving, receiving, and then giving, giving, giving, sharing. We have been teaching you this, and you have been getting much better at it. But it is the constant flow.
Yes, before you tried to reach up and come to us. That is why I have emphasized, we have come to you. The vibrations are not quite a match as yet, but you have never heard me speak to you this way. We are with you.
So it is making the energy, the frequency, the vibration — no matter what you call it — it is anchoring the love, our love, back in to the human construct, so that everything that humanity constructs, whether it is a building or a city of light or an institution or a foundation or a family, everything is infused with love, with grace, with the divine qualities.
Will you forget the old? It will be a dim memory, but we have arranged that you cannot forget because there can never be a repeat. That is one of my dictums. You will not cycle back into the old. That is why Michael and St. Germaine and so many that I speak with and for talk of forward thrust.
You are anchoring the future. You are anchoring above in the below, within and without. And let me be clear: there is nothing – think of what I say – there is nothing that can stop you. Think of how this makes you feel, when I say this. The expression of your divinity, of your contract, will not be hindered.
There have been many obstacles that have been overcome. And yes, I have heard you say, “How many times do I have to prove myself?” Well, the answer is, how many times, sweet angels of light, do you feel you have to prove yourself before you acknowledge your glorious worth, your splendid self? You don’t require more.
I give you more. But you had everything you needed the day you arrived. That is why I speak of awakening it within thee, of washing away the grit and grime so that you can see and experience not only who you are, but who each other is and to experience Gaia, to experience the kingdoms, that in the fullness of your being you welcome your brothers and sisters, from Arcturus, Andromeda and CCC, not as lesser beings — different beings, yes; lesser, no. And they are already amongst you, and they are having a grand time.
SB: Mother, another question?
DM: Yes?
SB: Some say that ascension is gradual; some say ascension is sudden. Ascension is both gradual and sudden, is it not? Can you talk a little bit more about the sudden aspect of ascension, please?
DM: It is that feeling — well, it is more than a feeling; it is knowing; it is ignition (4) — it is that feeling that you have been switched on to a different frequency, and it happens suddenly. You may be working at it, working at it, working at it, and then you wake up one morning, and you see, perceive, feel, know different.
You may come out of a meditation, and most of you are surprised! You think, “I’m seeing colors,” or creatures, or light, “in a different way. You know, yesterday, I didn’t think I could do this, and today I think I can do this task and 20 more.”
You are embracing your multidimensional talents yourself. So in that way it is very abrupt. It is the feeling, “I am not the same person as I was yesterday.” You may not know how or why, but it is very clear and very line-in-the-sand.
SB: But that is not Sahaja Samadhi, (5) Mother, is it? When does Sahaja Samadhi occur?
DM: It occurs with a more gradual awakening and lifting up. So there is the abrupt “I am not the same,” then there is the working and the anchoring, the integration, then there is another jump, and another jump, and another jump. And you don’t know it — well, some of you do — but you are leap-frogging. And then you will be there.
SB: Now, are those jumps equivalent to sub-planes? (6)
DM: You can think of it as sub-planes, dimensional sub-planes, yes.
SB: Okay. That’s very helpful.
DM: But also know this, what I say to you: Do not be restrictive.
SB: Yes.
DM: Some of you feel like baby frogs one day and you jump from one sub-plane to the next, to the next. And then the next day you are a panther, and you are leaping 10 levels. So don’t pre-determine.
Allow your heart consciousness, your knowing, to simply guide you. Yes, Ascension is about taking risks and trusting what you know to be true, and then arriving, and saying, “Yep. I knew it. Here I am.” And I am right there with you. I am catching you.
SB: So, Archangel Michael spoke of Ascension Lite. He spoke of going through the car wash and then going through the car wash again. Those people who do that, the early risers, they should not feel at all disturbed that they’re not in a state of Sahaja?
DM: No. This is the process. This is the reconstruction, and, let’s face it, you are the models for this. You are the template, and you are the template not because we are doing experimentation, you are the template because you have said, “I desire, I choose, I wish, and I will do this.” There is no room for discouragement.
SB: Thank you, Mother. It’s the gatekeepers who are going through the car wash. The pillars who stay behind and help everybody through, and I presume turn out the lights and shut the door. Will they participate in Ascension in any way before everything’s over? Like, must they wait until the complete end of everything to experience ascension, or what is your plan for the pillars, Mother? (7)
DM: No. In fact, we have… do not forget, the pillars are equally penetrated by the tsunami.
SB: Yes?
DM: And by all the gifts. But we have also had many pillars come through the portal — or there are enough pillars; we can miss a few now and then — and they come through to reinforce them, because theirs is the most difficult, tedious job of all.
SB: They’ll wait the longest. (8)
DM: Well, they are dealing with the oblivious.
SB: Yes.
DM: But, you know, think of it as a forward march that the pillars are pushing the oblivious further and further and further along. So, no, the pillars do not have to wait. They have been given a form of — think of it as dispensation for their service.
SB: Well, I hope they get together, because it’s going to be a little lonely towards the end! There’s going to be the oblivious and the pillars!
DM: And then there will be the masses at the gate…. Think of it as a marathon — which it truly has been — a heavenly, Earthly marathon, and everyone is at the finish line cheering them on, welcoming them.
There will be many rewards. And each reward is not merely decided by me, by us, by all; it is decided by you. For some, it is the stepping into the fullness of a very public platform and role. For others, it is a quiet home in the country, in perfect union with Gaia.
For others, it is a family compound where all can meet and gather, and share. It is what the heart desires that brings forth what is created. But all will receive equally and in equal measure, just as you are now. It is not that I wash some and leave others by the sidelines. No. Everybody. And everything. And now we increase this energy.
So I beckon you, and I ask you again, one more time, do you love me?
SB: Oh, yes, Mother.
DM: Do you love me as I love you?
SB: Is that possible, Mother?
DM: It is your expression of me, and it is growing, my beloved son. It is growing in each of you. So you say, “I can love like I have never loved before.”
SB: That’s true.
DM: Let me in.
SB: Yes, Mother.
DM: Go with my love, and go in peace.
SB: Thank you, Mother.
DM: Farewell.
SB: Farewell.
DM: We will speak again!
SB: Yes, Mother. Whenever you wish.
(1a) Definitions of the Divine Mother’s Blessings and Virtues from The Great Awakening by Linda Dillon: here.
(1) Aum, the universal creative vibration, is the voice in the wilderness. The Divine Mother is the Voice; the Holy Father is the Silence and the wilderness. “He” (He is not a “he”) is a wilderness in the sense that He is lawless; by that I mean, that no law can apply to the Father’s transcendental realm; only to the Mother’s phenomenal realm.
(2) “Grace: the quality of being a true and exact expression of divine spirit and will. This is a state of beauty, of wholeness, of oneness. It is the final blessing and virtue, encompassing service and action. It is the colour of pink.” (Linda Dillon, The New You, 259.)
(3) “R,” the lightworker who financed InLight Radio and chose to leave with cancer was a seraph and is one of these seraphim who are actively helping.
(4) “Ignition” is the word being used now for what Sanat earlier called the “snap,” the sudden Ascension of all. But … but … even after we enter the Fifth Dimension, there will still be more steps before we actually attain Sahaja Samadhi.
(5) Sahaja Samadhi is the level of enlightenment that brings liberation from the need to be reborn. It is a permanent heart opening. For an example of Sahaja (the natural state), look at Ramana Maharshi.
(6) Each dimension or plane, such as the Fifth Dimension, known as the Mental Plane on the afterlife side of things, has several subplanes.
(7) Archangel Michael has since told me in a personal reading on July 11 that the Pillars also will go through the car wash and experience Ascension Lite.
(8) Actually, given that the ignition will be in the not-too-distant future, even the Pillars have not long to wait.