Many friends say that they are not “There” but they are working on it. They are “trying”.
No more working on it I say. Light heartedness is the order of the times.
So when seriousness arises simply stop and watch it, feel where it is in the body, let it move and be where and how it wants to be without buying into any of the stories of “right/wrong”, labels, reasons, circumstantial constructions, past or future, of your little mind.
Then Smile and move on.
We are cultivating observation without judgement, focused attention without strain, watchfulness without turmoil. Gentleness of Being.
No more intense clearing, or healing, or analyzing, and definitely no more “efforting and striving, worrying and fretting. It is simply energy expressing itself through you. If you no longer want it, let it flow and go as no longer needed, no longer yours.
All the ‘work and heavy lifting’ is OVER.
We are allowing the new adventure to unfold and quietly, lovingly letting the mind and the ego see that All is Well and we are Safe FOREVER.
Nothing new will come to you until you let go and allow the Divine in You (the Universe if you will), to bring it to you (without even the need to peep).
When your neediness is gone then the gift can arrive. It is beyond the Law of Attraction. You ARE ‘There”.
There is here, and here IS HERE. In your Smile, in your Shining Presence. Exactly where you are suppose to be in the way you have preordained yourself to Be. All is not just “Well”, it is……… in Outrageously Radiant Order.
Relax, you have made it, and if you do not feel that way it is because you do not believe that everything that was, is but a memory of experience and no longer has any real substance if you choose it to be so. It is now simply a fading memory of a dream passing by.
Choose to live your passions.
Shine On
I So Love You