(Continued from Part 4.)
I then asked my guides to tell me specifically and clearly what my gender prejudices and programming and what the limitations that I placed on women were. They replied:
“As soon as there is an attraction to a woman, is there not a set of expectations, and can we say, needs, that come forward to the front of the awareness? This is fine if the purpose of the encounter is to have sexual intercourse, either to produce offspring, or to have a moment of pleasure and fun, or even in order to do so in the quest of experiencing the Divine.
“Where we would say this causes a limitation and a prejudice is where this comes forward so forcefully that it erases all other possibilities of interaction.
“Can this attraction exist in combination with the awareness of purpose, mission and desire to collaborate in the business of creating Nova Earth? We would say so, but there is much programming existing in the matrix of collective human mind-sets that are in the way of this happening.
“This can be as simple as the thought that happens when one is ‘in love’, the thought that this entity is there in order to fulfill our needs. This may in fact be so in some instances, but there’s a subtle fine line to navigate in these instances.”
I’m glad they said there is a subtle line because that’s plain to me as well. No one that I know, man or woman, wants to eliminate physical attraction, chemistry, and sexuality from our lives. They continued:
“The programming is such that it may operate so strongly as to keep these inquiries from even happening, and to keep the limitations on relations and how they are expressed.
“It’s impossible to point out exactly how this plays out in even one person’s psyche, we only point the way to a certain path of discovery.
“Only Steve will know if this is a path he will have the passion and curiosity to pursue. The hints we’ve given are for this purpose and not for the purpose of revealing what he already knows deep inside himself. This is a key to many realizations for him if he decides to use it.”
They then turn to the limitations that I’ve put on gender relating and these come from the collective wounds that we all feel having been through so many relationships.
“These limitations are ones that have been put into place as a self-protection mechanism, by Steve himself, and are seated in great suffering and abandonment. In terms of gender, there is a place of deep and unfathomable betrayal lodged inside him coming from unconscious realms.
“The nature of this is personal and we are not allowed to divulge this information, only to refer to it here in general. The other hint we may give is that it is masked with love and devotion and is a core issue of giant proportions. It is a gender based issue and involves all woman-kind through the ‘guilt by association’ principle.”
I’d imagine this issue is tied to my Mom having died in a house fire after years of being addicted to barbiturates and going downhill. And to my relationship with her in general.
“More than this we cannot say, by the will of his own Higher Self at this time. We can say that it is destined to be resolved by bringing his conscious awareness to it, but that until this happens there is not the space to bring it into public view, even in a private reading.”
“Public view” – another interesting word use, suggesting that they mean for this to be made public.
The last question I asked them was to expand on the statement, “There is a difference in the value, quality, and meaning of relations for Steve in terms of gender.” Specifically what was this difference? It elicited another list.
“The difference is in the levels of trust, in the estimation of quality of interactions, and the value of them in regards to gender in general. We would say this isn’t a hard and fast rule, as some people are notable exceptions for the most part, but in general, in an unaware sort of way, there is the propensity to consider women and men as different in terms of what they are ‘good’ for, or what use they have for Steve in his life.
“Who will be trusted for intimacy of mind and of heart? Woman or man? Why?
“Who will be approached to fulfill the need to be understood? Man or woman? Why?
“Who will be depended on to protect and defend when one is being attacked? Which gender? Why?
“There are many more questions and each answer is full of meaning and the hints on the under the radar, unconsciously-driven value system at play here.”
They then discussed the process of paying attention to thoughts, which I had already decided to follow.
“There is a process which we are hinting at the possibility of pursuing. It is one that is arduous in that it asks for attention to be brought to much that is assumed. It’s not possible for this to be answered in any way that will be of use to the individual, as this process is the goal and not the answers.
“The process itself goes on, and doesn’t necessarily stop at enlightenment as conceived by humanity at the present time. This process is only beginning, we only suggest that it begin in earnest.
“It’s all about bringing the awareness, the Light, to what is dwelling in darkness, in unawareness. This is the responsibility of each being and is a journey of great beauty and meaning. None can attempt to tell another what the meanings are.
“The meanings are both the same in terms of being in alignment with Divine Order and Ultimate Source, and also a wonder of immense diversity at the same time. All of this is in development and all of this is sacred in nature.
“We end now this session. We hope we give some thoughts to enhance Steve’s journey of discovery. We thank also the conduit, Andrea, for her presence and encouragement.”
Well, that’s given me food for thought that will probably continue for weeks. And there’s the possibility that getting into and underneath what they’re pointing at here could save me, and my colleagues, much stress and strain when we begin our work in earnest.
I join them in thanking Andrea for what must be one of the most profound readings I’ve ever had. It will definitely enter into the work on gender equality that will begin after the Reval.