(Concluded from Part 1, above.)
And, finally, haven’t we had enough bloodshed? What will more do for us?
Don’t bother ridiculing me for my beliefs. I have nothing to lose; nothing at stake in what one departed dark hat called “the game.”
I don’t aim to make money from what I’m saying. And I see reputation as a false trap; those who place a person on a pedestal can also for any reason de-pedestal them. (1) And regularly do. I prefer the quiet life. Outside of writing.
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I already know where we’re headed. I’ve been given ample experience of the consciousness states we’re journeying towards. So I can say from experience that all will be solved in the simple passage of time.
Once in any of the higher dimensions, the love we’ll then feel will instantly dissolve all fears and concerns we now have. It’s literally out of this world.
Moreover, we stand on the doorstep of a new economy (G/NESARA), (2) inventions that will relieve poverty and homelessness (replicators, med beds, free energy), with massive infusions of a joy, peace, and happiness you cannot imagine…. What’s not to love about our future when we’re through this current round of changing planetary management?
And we won’t need to fear the dark. Mike Quinsey says: “How wonderful to know that life is possible without the negative forces being present.” (3) Absolutely.
They cannot follow us where we’re going. This is not some arbitrary judgment. Matthew Ward explains that it’s a matter of the universal laws of physics that govern life:
“Earth is nearing vibratory levels where the light is so intense that all who have refused the light – the ones we speak of as dark simply to indicate their lack of light – will die. That may sound unduly harsh, but it is not a matter of some ‘divine’ judgment or punishment – it is simply the physics governing life in this universe that bodies bereft of light cannot survive in those higher vibrations. In short, all those who have been causing fearful conditions will be disappearing.” (4)
Matthew tells us how our refraining from violence and instead living from the divine qualities and virtues is itself overcoming the dark:
“The low vibrations of control, greed and deception are being overcome by the high vibrations of self-confidence, optimism and freedom as more and more of Earth’s peoples are absorbing light.
“Light, the same energy as love, is Creator, the Source of All That Is—that is who you are, who every soul in the cosmos is—and the light you radiate is helping Earth’s peoples awaken into that reality.
“By observing the ongoing drama of this process but not being drawn into it, you are further empowering yourselves, the peoples, and all other light beings in this universe.” (5)
In the end, we don’t have to remove the dark ones. By choosing evil, they’ve removed themselves. We just have to stay our hand from executions. Yes, more bother. (6)
But Golden-Age behavior. Otherwise we’re just like them.
(1) And today’s society has been sped up and dumbed down in so many ways – AND deprived of a future by our generation’s automation of work (without seeing to the needs of the people thus displaced and our children). In my opinion, we are a mess as a society right now, if you’ll pardon my saying so, divided but not conquered, and in need of recovering our balance before we set off executing masses of people, which is what we’re doing.
(2) See What’s Next? Vol. 5: G/NESARA at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Whats-Next-5-2.pdf
(3) “Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message for May 3, 2024,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2024/05/03/mike-quinseys-higher-self-message-for-may-3-2024/
(4) Matthew’s Message, April 23, 2011.
(5) Matthew’s Message, May 3, 2024.
(6) More trauma for prison guards and everyone else who must deal with them.
Download Stop the Executions! here: https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Stop-the-Executions-8.pdf
Stop the Executions 8