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The extent of the executions is beginning to filter up into talk-show news. Here we have Pascal Najadi talking to Alex Jones on the subject, one of a number of interviews Pascal has given.
Pascal’s father started the World Economic Forum with the late Klaus Schwab (1) and left it when he realized what the latter was all about. Pascal has been vocal in calling for the arrest of the World Economic Forum leaders and vaccine principals.
The word is also appearing in credible channeled messages. (2) It’s no longer something said only in sources that are considered fringe or not credible. It’s coming out into the open.
On this subject, there’s not a President who remains alive except Donald Trump and Jimmy Carter. That list includes Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi et al, a couple of Supreme Court judges, a large percentage of Hollywood, etc.
I’m holding the door open for more information on why this is necessary. Does their influence reach farther than the Third Dimension or this planet? Some of them are reptilian: Are there factors about this that we don’t know about?
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Otherwise, I’m sad that we demean ourselves in this way. Entering the Golden Age victorious, with our prisoners in tow, to be executed later: Isn’t this called a “Roman triumph”? Wasn’t 50 BC what are often considered the dark ages?
What is golden about a Golden Age that executes its enemies? Aren’t we following another path called loving our enemies?
You might argue that we can’t leave these people alive; they’ll be like lightning rods. OK, I’m open. Tell me your arguments.
My argument is this: Aside from all the moral, ethical, and spiritual arguments against execution, executing them is unnecessary. We don’t need to be bloodying our hands as we contemplate a new age of love, peace, and truth.
The rising vibrations or the Mother will remove them because they cannot continue into the higher-vibrational realms we’re entering. The Mother tells us:
Divine Mother: Those people who just simply say “no, I don’t want to do this” will be gathered up in mercy, in compassion, gentleness and kindness – not brought to somewhere else, let me be very clear about that – they will be brought home for reconstitution. …
They will either die beforehand or die during, because they cannot incorporate the level of the love energy – because that is what Ascension is – they cannot incorporate that and it literally… you have heard of situations, especially you [Steve]… have heard of situations where people’s hearts simply stop or explode for no explained reason.
It is simply because they cannot continue on, and the merciful thing to do is to simply, gently and kindly, bring them home. We do not know the meaning of punishment, of what has in so many different religious pursuits been called “hell.” “Hell” is when you are in that place – the depth of despair. (2)
So not only is this action against all spiritual codes of behavior, but the Divine Mother tells us that people who say “no” to what is occurring right now (Ascension) will leave the planet; they cannot remain.
(Concluded in Part 2, below.)
(1) He did not survive Adrenochrome withdrawal, at Guantanamo Bay, as Pascal refers to.
(2) Matthew’s Message, for instance: “Arrests and executions of top Illuminati and principals in the covid 19 atrocity are continuing in several countries.” (“Matthew’s Message via Suzy Ward, May 3, 2024,”at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2024/05/03/matthews-message-via-suzy-ward-may-3-2024/.)
(3) “Universal Mother Mary’s Ascension Splash!” channeled by Linda Dillon, May 31, 2017 at https://counciloflove.com/2017/05/universal-mother-marys-ascension-splash/.
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Stop the Executions 8