OK, don’t clobber me for this one. The mainstream media are attributing Hurricanes Helene and Milton to climate change.
“Can we survive the next phase of climate change…,” the news anchor asks,
“with catastrophic storms and rising sea levels threatening to dramatically alter so many lives.
“Should we be surprised? This is exactly what climatologists have been telling us as a result of global warming.”
They point to the hurricanes in a “See? We told you so” moment. “We told you this would happen.”
But that’s not the truth. What you told us is NOT happening. What you’re not telling us IS happening.
As I’m led to believe, carbon dioxide forms a small constituent of the atmosphere. And there’s no unusual warming of the atmosphere anyways, considered from the standpoint of geologic time.
Despite the mainstream news, it seems increasingly certain that both storms were geo-engineered, using silver iodide, dry ice, hydrogel balls, acoustics, and other technologies to manufacture and steer them, as we’ve explored in the Weather Warfare Update series. (Fact-checkers: Prove me wrong.)
I’m astonished and saddened to hear the captured press use the storms as proof of their bogus climate theories. (1) That allows their audience to do nothing that would genuinely alleviate the situation. It promises to see more storms be used to steer populations as I’m led to believe they’re doing right now.
In my humble opinion, this is mis- and disinformation we need to push back against – and that’s exactly the purpose of the “Weather Warfare Update” series. The MSM just aren’t telling the truth and we can see from this example how much that matters: People’s lives and homes are at stake.
Hit graphic to watch video
The truth that no one wants to speak out loud is that, if the white hats wanted to take out HAARP and the DEW weapons, I imagine they could. I also believe that they’d have the enthusiastic help of off-planet civilizations.
I believe that the combination of the Global White Hat Military Alliance and galactic forces like the Galactic Federation of Light (2) will join together to shut down all weather warfare when it serves the plan; that is, when enough people are clamoring for the military to intervene so that civil war doesn’t break out around the planet.
I know this doesn’t help the people devastated by Helene and Milton – not yet, anyways – and my heart breaks for them. I hope President Trump has a plan. Perhaps it’s a plan called NESARA. (3) Perhaps it’s a plan called the Reval. (4)
Around 20 days to go before Nov. 5, if we get there without the elections being postponed and transferred to the quantum electoral system. I expect things to heat up, as the date draws closer. That seems like a no-brainer. The deep state knows its very existence depends on the outcome of that election.
Furthermore, I expect the white-hat Alliance to take each move the cabal makes and use it for their own purposes.
For instance, I expect to hear, in the publications that cover that area of events, that they’ve already arrested those at the top responsible for Hurricanes Helene and Milton. Just as they arrested Fauci, Berx, Bancel, and others behind or associated with the Covid vaccines when the time was right. (Have you seen any of them lately?)
(1) On what the galactics and our ascended masters have to say about climate change, see:
- “How Many Dots Make a Picture?” July 27, 2022, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2022/07/27/how-many-dots-make-a-picture/
- “Climate Change is not Caused by “Global Warming” – Part 1/2 (Repost),” August 3, 2019, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2019/08/03/climate-change-is-not-caused-by-global-warming-part-1-2-repost/
- “Climate Change is not Caused by “Global Warming” – Part 2/2 (Repost),” August 4, 2019, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2019/08/04/climate-change-is-not-caused-by-global-warming-part-2-2-repost/
- “Is Climate Change a Global Disaster?,” March 2, 2019, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2019/03/02/is-climate-change-a-global-disaster/
- “Climate Change – Something to be Feared or Welcomed? – Part 1/4,” July 21, 2018, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2018/07/21/climate-change-something-to-be-feared-or-welcomed-part-1-4/
- “Climate Change – Something to be Feared or Welcomed? – Part 2/4,” July 22, 2018, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2018/07/22/climate-change-something-to-be-feared-or-welcomed-part-2-4/
- “Climate Change – Something to be Feared or Welcomed? – Part 3/4,” July 23, 2018, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2018/07/23/climate-change-something-to-be-feared-or-welcomed-part-3-4/
- “Climate Change – Something to be Feared or Welcomed? – Part 4/4,” July 24, 2018, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2018/07/24/climate-change-something-to-be-feared-or-welcomed-part-4-4/
(2) See:
- Our Family from the Stars at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Our-Family-from-the-Stars-4.pdf
- There Will be No Nuclear War for the World at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/No-Nuclear-War-R5.pdf
(3) NESARA is the National Economic and Security Reformation Act. It mandates a new, humane, and egalitarian economy. See What’s Next? Vol. 5: G/NESARA at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Whats-Next-5-2.pdf
(4) See What’s Next? Vol. 6: The Reval and Building Nova Earth at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Whats-Next-6-3-Reval-Building-Nova-Earth-.pdf
Any humanitarian philanthropists who are looking for a mission, so to speak, may want to consider helping the people of Appalachia to find new homes.
I’ve long advocated that people who intend to help the world start with their local communities. That’s what I’ll be doing with the Vancouver Project. I’d love to participate financially after the Reval in any Appalachia restoration project that takes shape.