So much has been made of climate change. Is what’s currently being said true, according to the channeled messages I read? No, apparently, it’s not.
What’s actually happening, as Matthew Ward alleges, is that all the events indicating climate change are in effect “leading to a moderate climate globally.” (1)
Let’s subtract all the disastrous climatic events caused by the cabal’s weather-warfare devices, like HAARP, their lynchpin weather-manipulation satellite, Snow White, and chemtrails. Of them Matthew says:
“Weather manipulation, which also is responsible for the wild storms and record temperatures that have delayed Mother Nature’s return to a moderate climate globally, is going to meet its end along with all of the Illuminati’s other diabolical activities.” (2)
It may have already met its end, if what David Wilcock says about Snow White is true – that it’s been taken offline. (3) How many cabal systems does that make?
Mike Quinsey’s sources reassure us:
“As predicted the seasons are gradually running into each other, but in the long run things will level out and are certain to be to your liking.” (4)
“The planet itself is also going through critical changes, and has been so for quite some considerable time, and is responsible for the indifferent and unusual weather patterns you have been experiencing. The final outcome will be to your satisfaction and joy as the extremes you experience will no longer take place.” (5)
He reassures us that the changes are not the end of the world.
“Mother Earth is beginning to make changes upon the planet and in many countries you have been experiencing weather extremes. Do not worry as it is not the end of the world but the emergence of the New Earth.
“It seems to be very chaotic at times but once the changes have been made it will quickly settle down into a pleasant weather pattern that all shall enjoy.” (6)
“As you are aware, your weather patterns are gradually changing for the better. There will be problems created by the changes, but you will have ample time to adjust. The net result will be a more acceptable temperature without the extremes that you are used to experiencing.
“The seas will also warm up, and when you take the two together you will find that many changes will occur in nature. Species of animals will move to conditions that are more suited to their needs. All told it will all be for the better as you will enjoy a more temperate climate.” (7)
Can we know more about the impact of these changes on animal life? Let me repeat comments I made in an earlier post on the fate of some animal species.
People will adapt to the changes in climate but some animal species will be less able to, as Matthew Ward explains.
“People now living in the coldest or the hottest climes will adapt, but it is unavoidable that the few animal species in the polar regions will disappear and some that live on the fringes will survive by migrating; the affected species instinctively will know not to reproduce or when to move.” (8)
Another adaptive change, Matthew tells us, is that all animal species will become herbivores rather than carnivores.
“Gradually all animals will become herbivores and the outcry to kill numbers of ‘predators’ will cease.
“In the meantime, please continue your efforts to protect all animal life, to stop the terrible abuse and end the slaughtering on land and in the seas. Humans’ inhumane treatment of animals has caused a staggering amount of negativity for Earth to deal with.” (9)
Many species will be more readily able to adapt to climatic conditions than they’ve been able to humanity’s harmful and predatory practices, Matthew says.
“Sadly, some marine populations and animal species living in frigid temperatures will not survive, but most can adapt far more readily to rising ocean and land temperatures than they can live in polluted waters or in sonar testing areas or in cages, much less evade slaughter for pelts or tusks, ‘scientific experiments,’ or delicacies such as caviar and fins.” (10)
Some species will be unable to adapt and will leave this world to migrate to planetary climes more suited to their needs, SaLuSa remarks.
“As with the Human Race, the animal kingdom will also change and a number of species will completely disappear. They will be mainly those who normally live in the more extreme conditions, and are unable to adapt to the new Earth.
“They are not lost for all time but will find another planet where they can continue their evolution. All life is immortal and there are no exceptions, and changes take place all the time, indeed as you are now beginning to experience.” (11)
Sanat Kumara adds that “many of what you have thought of as the extinct species will return.” (12)
So all the hubbub, all the carbon taxes, all the hypotheses about why the planet is warming up are, it seems, short of the mark.
What is really happening is the greening of the world, to be sure, but also a return to a moderate climate worldwide. The mechanics of that I leave for another post.
(1) Matthew’s Message, February 3, 2014, at For Matthew and SaLuSa’s qualifications see “Will California Sink Under the Waves?”
(2) Ibid., March 17, 2018.
(3) “Alliance Strikes Back Against Deep State: David Wilcock Exclusive Interview [Part 4],” at httpss://
(4) Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self, Dec. 15, 2017, at
(5) Ibid., Jun 8, 2018.
(6) Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self, January 28, 2016.
(7) SaLuSa. February 6, 2015, at
(8) Matthew Ward, “Essay on 2012,” Dec. 31, 2007, at
This section has been taken from “Climate Change – Something to be Feared or Welcomed? – Part 3/4,”
(9) SaLuSa. February 6, 2015.
(10) Matthew’s Messages, Oct. 22, 2008, at
(11) Matthew’s Message, April 3, 2007.
(12) SaLuSa, Nov. 4, 2009.
(13) “Sanat Kumara: Many of You Have Already Ascended and Straddle Dimensions,” May 28, 2013,