In researching a book on the Elohim, I came across this passage from the Elohim as channeled by Ute Possega Rudel. It goes into some detail on how our services after this Ascension will be in demand around the universe.
“The Elohim of the Great Central Sun: A Great Work is Before You,” channeled by Ute Posegga-Rudel, June 9, 2013 at
You learned from this journey, and the value of your knowledge and of the Creator’s Self-Recognition in His Creation is bearing great treasures. These treasures are forever stored in your consciousness, in your genes and DNA. It is the material which is of high value for further creations in other galaxies.
Therefore you are the teachers of less developed Star Systems, because you know the total bandwidth of Light, from highest power of radiance to a light that is almost extinct. You know all associated faculties of creation in all variants of the lower and higher mind, the associated Emotions and feelings and physical states. You have studied the separation from your own divine Source, while you surrendered fully to the experience of it.
All these themes, as they are known to you and as you understand them, enable you, to inspire and to fertilize other galactic civilizations with the power of Evolution, that happens by Divine Will.
Download The Dictionary of the Elohim at
A great work and a dedicated Service is before you. The evolution of all Galaxies is an unceasing process in the Center of the Consciousness of the Highest, the Source of all Existence.
It is up to you, to accept this Service, or to exchange it for a different task. But who have been feeling dedicated to this Service from the very beginning, will hear this call now and open their soul to be drawn to the appropriate pathway. Whether you are being already fully aware of it or not. It does not matter, but a prevision will dawn in those who are called, and something in them will respond.
The True Divine Adventure has just now only begun. To know one’s further path is a great Blessing and Grace, because undreamed-of perspectives of multidimensional Consciousness are being opened thereby, expanding your inner awareness to new horizons to awaken in new spheres.
After you’ve reached the very bottom, while penetrating together with your Beloved Planet Earth the deepest depth of darkness, now the final parting from this world of experiences is here. The planes of density are being left behind, a new Field of Consciousness is opening, and other and new radiant Realities are being recognized in the Divine Mind and thereby created.
The new Worlds are emerging and their fruits are serving the growth and inspiration of those who come after you, to learn from you.
These are the eternal cycles of the Glory of the Highest, Who continuously is Moving and Expanding into New Magnificent Experiences, to Discover Itself.
You Are That, and you Are Not It. It Is beyond your language and comprehension. It can only be Experienced and be Lived, in and as the LoveLight of Highest Consciousness.