The heart is a portal
As we contemplate the idea that we’ll need to reintegrate with people who held vastly-different political or medical views than us, if we want to do a clean job of it, then we have to distinguish between two groups of people who opposed us.
The first is those who operated on the genuine belief that we faced a world-threatening pandemic crisis and that those who didn’t mask up and get the jab were threatening humankind.
They were doing the best they could, just as we were. Their belief and concern were as sincere as ours.
That’s the first scale or spectrum: at one end are the cabal’s hired goons, trolls, and mouthpieces. At the other end are genuinely-concerned and responsible citizens. We need to honor the genuine differences.
But there are other distinctions that need to be made. A second concerns how we far we go in expressing our disagreement. And, here, it doesn’t matter what side you’re on. This scale or spectrum concerns what we’re willing to do to be right, to make our point, to win the game, etc.
Frankly it shouldn’t matter in a democracy that there’s a difference of opinion. Democracies thrive on it. And they draw together in times of crisis and forget their differences. Witness the Second World War.
But where simple disagreement becomes Hitler’s Night of the Long Knives or Stalin’s purges, that’s where we go off the rails.
So as we assess how to repair the damage and trauma that has occurred, we need to make the distinction between an acceptable difference in political views and unacceptable, extreme behavior.
Once we’ve done that, I think we’ll find that we can all agree that extreme behavior needs to stop. But even here there’s another scale and more distinctions to be made.
And only if we make these distinctions, calmly and deliberately, will we get though the labyrinth ahead of us – peacefully!
That third distinction concerns our notion of freedom.
I believe we think that freedom is freedom and that there should be no restraints on it. But right away we see that there are people who’ll use their freedom to oppress others. Does freedom mean that we must tolerate torture, rape, and murder? I don’t think so.
Your freedom is purchased at the cost of my restraint. Your human right is bought at the cost of my controlling my behavior and staying within certain socially-accepted limits.
There is a state of total freedom – on higher dimensions than this. On this dimension – and only here – saint and sinner rub elbows. There people sort themselves out by their vibratory level. (1)
So we can’t approach the subject of human rights and freedoms believing that there will be no restraints on behavior in society. Not yet. At some future date, yes, but not until the rapists and murderers have ceased to operate among us.
I’m not making these remarks just to some people, of some political stripe or some religious persuasion. I’m making these comments to everyone. We need to come back to the middle, in the midst of what’s happening around us.
Just as spiritual teachers have been telling us down through time, we need to abandon the extremes of rage and hurtfulness and come back to the center, to the heart.
The heart is a portal between this 3rd/4th Dimension we’re in and all the higher dimensions. (2) Such a love flows in those realms that it shapes and defines all life.
Unfortunately it doesn’t flow (perceptibly) in this dense a medium – not unless our Board of Directors (3) makes an exception somehow, usually for educational reasons.
I’ve been given glimpses and allowed to stay in consciousness states all the way to the 12th – and beyond if we count a brief glimpse into the Transcendental, beyond the 12 dimensions. (4) I have no words to describe, say, bliss or ecstasy. Fortunately words aren’t needed there.
That’s where we’re going and we go through the portal, the doorway of the heart (that is, the hridayam), the eye of the needle. (5)
We may go temporarily in a Fourth Chakra experience. Or we may go there permanently in Sahaja Nirvikalpa Samadhi, which is a full and eternal heart opening. (6)
In either case we find ourselves in states of being that are cleansed of all harmful thoughts and in no ways extreme. We just need to draw more of that state of being, that state of ever-new, ever-deepening love – desirable beyond all others – into our social life now.
(1) See “The Planes of Life” in New Maps of Heaven at https://goldengaiadb.com/index.php?title=The_Planes_of_Life
(2) The situation is like this: Blow up a balloon. Now twist off a small section of it so that it appears as if there are two balloons. But the same air exists in “both” balloons, does it not?
Now untwist the knot and watch the two balloons become one again. The small balloon is us in the 3rd/4th Dimension and the twist or knot is the hridayam or heart door. Untwist it and we become multidimensional again.
The Mother/Father One acknowledges that she communicates with us through the portal of the heart:
Divine Mother: Yes, sweet angels of mine, my legion of light, my angels of love, you are in the middle of the Transition. You are in the middle of the Shift. You are riding the waves of love that the Father and I are sending directly into your heart, through the portal of your heart [hridayam], [and] through the Ascension portal of the planet.
And from there it is diffusing into each of your chakras, into your body, into your brain and, yes ,there is also energy being sent directly through your crown chakra. It is activating not only your pineal, your hypothalamus, your pituitary; it is activating portions of your hemisphere that have never been activated in the human race. (“Ride the Waves of Love Being Sent to Us by Universal Mother,” May 22, 2012, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2012/05/ride-the-waves-of-love-being-sent-to-us-by-universal-mother/ .)
(3) Remembering that everyone here in this generation is an angelic, I give my Board of Directors, which I assert will be found to be similar yours: the Divine Mother (on all boards), Archangel Michael, my Universal Self, my twin flame Annastara, and my guides, Windthrow, Phoenix, and White Cloud.
On this subject, see:
- What is a Soul Contract? at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/What-is-a-Soul-Contract.pdf
- Our Enlightnment Partnership at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Our-Enlightenment-Partnership-5.pdf
- An Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/An-Explosion-in-the-Meaning-of-Humanness-12.pdf
- The Rewards of Co-Creative Partnership with the Company of Heaven at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/The-Rewards-of-Co-Creative-Partnership-with-the-Company-of-Heaven-3.pdf
(4) Steve: The space that I call transformative love, what dimension is it?
Archangel Michael: It is the seventh dimension.
Steve: Then what dimension is bliss?
AAM: It is between eight and nine.
Steve: And ecstasy?
AAM: Twelfth.
Steve: And what about exaltation?
AAM: Then you have moved beyond. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Jan. 20, 2016.)
(5) Here Michael illustrates this by describing how I – like you – go back and forth through the portal:
Archangel Michael: Think of [entering] your [transformative] love as flying back and forth through the portal. Now sometimes you’re aware and sometimes you’re asleep and sometimes you’re off with me. That is what you are doing and that is what humanity is doing. (“Archangel Michael on Snaps, Expansion, and Ascension,” June 6, 2017, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/06/06/archangel-michael-on-snaps-expansion-and-ascension/.)
(6) Steve Beckow: I’m trying to understand what level of enlightenment Ascension corresponds to and I think it’s beyond the normal seventh-chakra enlightenment. I think it is what is called — and I’ll make this clear to readers — sahaja samadhi. Am I correct?
Divine Mother: Yes, it is beyond what you think of [as being] with your seven chakras. … We have emerged from the Third-Dimensional realm, which is that reference point for the [seven] chakra system, into the new. So yes, you are correct, in this question and in this statement. (“The Divine Mother: Come to Me as I Come to You – Part 1/2,” Oct. 17, 2012, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2012/10/17/the-divine-mother-come-to-me-as-i-come-to-you-part-12/.)
“Sahaja is like the river that has linked up with the ocean from which there is no return.” (Ramana Maharshi in S.S. Cohen, Guru Ramana. Memories and Notes. 6th edition. Tiruvannamalai: Sri Ramanasramam, 1993, 90.)
“This is Self-realization, Mukti [i.e., liberation from birth and death], or Sahaja Samadhi, the natural, effortless state.” (Ramana Maharshi, ibid., 82-3.)