Spain, Nov. 2023
I sincerely hope that the uprising in Spain remains peaceful and catches on worldwide.
Remember Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men? “You can’t handle the truth!”
That may have been the case before. Truthspeakers were called conspiracy theorists and ridiculed. People who didn’t want to hear the bad news just changed the channel. And the media obliged.
But what the conspiracy theorists were saying is now manifestly being shown to be true. As outlandish as it has sounded at times. (A worldwide Satanic cabal?) And I think that awakening is what’s behind the people rallying.
The governments of the world have been blackmailed or in other ways corrupted to Satanic ways. Their empire is funded by human, drug, and weapons trafficking, adrenochrome use (produced by the torture of children), pedophilia, wars, on and on.
They’ve subverted a range of organized elements of social life – from politics to medicine, from religion to the military, to serve their dark agenda.
Directed-energy weapons, climate control, massive financial fraud, a vaccine designed to kill not save, and movement from issue to issue to issue to keep us off balance and afraid – that’s our daily fare.
When the masks are removed, the agenda is depopulation – their term for what we used to call mass murder, genocide, and holocaust – and total control over the rest of the population’s lives, in service to a small, global elite, who profess to serve Satan.
All of it paid for by the executed.
They banked on Hillary not losing and us never waking up. And what you see happening around you is what it took to wake us up this far. You’d think that no one could sleep through Lahaina. (1)
While the dark forces or deep state are playing all their chips to defeat the light forces and control the world, all they can do is postpone the inevitable. This generation has the distinct privilege of hearing from the Divine Mother and her archangels on matters like this. They tell us:
Archangel Michael: Hatred, greed, control does not get to win. (2)
Divine Mother: I know very clearly, Sweet One, as do you, if it is not [in] my Plan, then it will not occur. (3)
DM: Make no mistake, Sweet One, Love will win because that has been my Plan always. (4)
This is not going to be a repeat of Lemuria and Atlantis. This Ascension will succeed.
Our Ascension is a magnificent event watched by far-flung and higher-dimensional civilizations
Distant galaxies are observing it and closer galaxies are assisting. For instance, they see that no nuclear weapons are exploded in space any more. They won’t permit world war.
They remove the depleted uranium, omnicidal, a planet killer, from the air, water, and land. (5) They patch up Fukushima, as much as they can and are allowed to. And so on.
They’re our protectors, as far as the laws of karma and freewill allow them. They’re also the civilizations that seeded the Earth in the first place – with apologies to Charles Darwin. (6) They’re our ancestors and our future. Lots of work for historians and scientists here.
This may be the most remarkable experience that any of us will have … until we go and assist with the next, universal ascension.
It’s a mass, physical ascension into a new region of space that is multidimensional in terms of access. The Mother says it will see the birth of a new human:
Divine Mother: Do you not think, know, feel, that it is entirely possible, even desirable sweet ones, for me to create, to birth a new species of human, an ascended, enlightened, caring, kind, loving human? Because that is exactly what I am doing! (7)
DM: We are creating a new species — if I say it this way, you will understand — a new species of human – conscious, heart-directed, brilliant, creative and determined. And you are doing it not by leaving, but by staying. (8)
Our star family discusses the universal attention being paid to this Ascension:
Mira the Pleiadian: There is not a single place in all of Creation that is not affected by what is going on with the Earth right now. (9)
Sanat Kumara: Well, [other civilizations] have always been watching Earth, and they have always been interested in the Ascension process, because it is unique, it is phenomenal, it is the fulfillment of the Plan of the Mother. This is far greater than any movie that you could ever create in your reality.
So it is having a ripple effect throughout the entire universe. And the fact that the human race matured enough to say, no, we will care for everybody, has caused ripples and amazement throughout the galaxies!
So they are watching very closely how you are doing it.
And how it is going, because it will set the paradigm for other planetary Ascensions, other realms that want to work in this way. (10)
Being here as the ground crew during such a momentous event is a privilege.
That we’re an Ascension team seems implicit in what the Mother says here:
Divine Mother: Many of you have come to work with your star brothers and sisters, because, do not forget, we know the attention in the moment is on the Ascension and the completion of this wondrous, wondrous anchoring of love.
But the next phase, dear heart, is the ripple effect out into my universes. So, many of you will be focused on working with your star brothers and sisters and the next Ascension. (11)
I already know I’ll be in on the next Ascension, this time from the 7th Dimension. (12) C’mon along!
Meanwhile, watching the darkness subside on Planet Earth has been challenging and tiresome.
But, in my estimation, all it will take is one Ring of Fire, Wave of Love, Sun Flare, Event, Singularity, call it what you will, to open the door to the higher dimensions for all those ready – for some, like me, a visit; for others – like you? – Ascension and an entrée into a multidimensional world. (13)
For many if not most of us lightworkers, the Ring of Fire won’t be the climactic flash or ignition that we think of as “Ascension.” We need to stay here, where the work is. (14)
But that event will probably see everyone who has finished their soul contract and is ready to permanently and fully enter the higher dimensions in an early Ascension do so. (15)
Those still here will live for a time in a tsunami of love in this temporary heart opening. During that time, all the world will join Spain in rising up and praising not just Spain in this case, but also Mother/Father God, our star family, the Alliance, and all of us here on Earth at this time for this occasion.
(1) Lahaina is the capital of the Republic of Hawaii and was hit by deep-state directed energy weapons and reduced to ashes. Efforts appear to be underway to wrest control of the land from native owners, I believe, under “eminent domain.” But do your own research. This is not my area of specialization.
(2) “Archangel Michael on Our Power to Create and to Co-Create,” through Linda Dillon, October 10, 2019, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2019/10/10/archangel-michael-on-our-power-to-create-and-to-co-create/.
(3) The Divine Mother in “Enter the Delegations – Part 2/3,” through Linda Dillon, May 5, 2019, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2019/05/05/enter-the-delegations-part-2-3/. Reading, April 30, 2019
(4) Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, April 30, 2019.
(5) SaLuSa: You have already deposited nuclear waste on your seabeds, and in deep holes or caves and it will have to be removed. Our technology will neutralise such dangerous materials. (SaLuSa, April 20, 2009.)
Suzy: There are some questions about depleted uranium; basically all are about how this lethal radiation will affect future generations.
Matthew: … “The toxicity is greater than can be totally neutralized by off-planet technology.
However, the sickness and birth defects due to the radiation would be far greater without that technology’s ameliorating effects. When your space brothers and sisters can work openly on the planet, all pollution, including radioactivity, will be eliminated. (Matthew’s Message, Apr. 28, 2006.)
Steve: If the galactics had not neutralized depleted uranium, would this planet have died?
Archangel Michael: Yes. Now let me explain. It is not just that she would have died. It would have been that her will to continue on would not have been there.
S: Wow, eh? That serious.
AAM: Yes, that serious. (Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon, personal reading for Steve Beckow, August 6, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/08/haarp-chemtrails-and-depleted-uranium-all-neutralized-or-gone/.)
(6) See Our Family from the Stars at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Our-Family-from-the-Stars-R2.pdf
(7) “Divine Mother: To Create, to Birth a New Species of Human,” October 24, 2020, The 13th Octave Initiation Channels James. AAG, UMM – 13th Octave Intensive Class 5 – 20201024.
(8) “The Divine Mother: We are Creating a New Species of Humans,” July 12, 2014, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/07/12/the-divine-mother-we-are-creating-a-new-species-of-humans/.
(9) Mira, April 14, 2013, at https://thegroundcrew.com/channeled_messages.htm#message.
(10) “It Is a New Day: Sanat Kumara on Pope Francis, the Process of Ascension, the Earth’s Place in Ascension, Etc.,” March 13, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/03/it-is-a-new-day-sanat-kumara-on-pope-francis-the-process-of-ascension-the-earths-place-in-ascension-etc/.
(11) “The Divine Mother: The Table is Set; You are Ready for the Dance,” channeled by Linda Dillon, Sep. 18, 2014, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/09/20/the-divine-mother-the-table-is-set-you-are-ready-for-the-dance/.
(12) Archangel Michael: As I have said to you, when you complete this mission, you are allowed to have 200 years off. But what you do with that is up to you, dear one! You will certainly have full access to your inter-dimensionality.
Steve: So no matter what I choose, I’ll have access to it?
AAM: Yes.
S: Okay. Well, apart from that, it really just depends on what’s wanted and needed. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Dec. 18, 2012.) (Hereafter, AAM.)
S: The next assignment is in the Seventh Dimension?
AAM: You will have a choice of planetary systems. This is just the warm-up for [that] Ascension. It is to bring a further rising of vibrations to those throughout the Universe. (AAM, Sept. 13, 2011.)
(13) See The Ring of Fire: A Planetary Heart Opening for Gaia at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Ring-of-Fire-Planetary-Heart-Opening-2.pdf
(14) Archangel Michael: A very large quotient, shall we say, of you is living … in the higher dimensional realm. … Then there is a part of you that is in the, shall we say, the morass of the chaos and the lower (for lack of a better term) dimensional realm because that is where the work is. (AAM, Jan. 18, 2020.)
AAM: If you fully enter into the bliss, into the One, you will not be interested in returning and serving. It will be a different experience, and it is not the experience that you have selected and chosen for yourself at this time. (AAM Feb. 14, 2012.)
(15) See:
- Gateway to Higher Dimensionality Vol. 1: Introduction to Ascension at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Gateway-to-Higher-Dimensionality-V1-R4.pdf
- Gateway to Higher Dimensionality Vol. 2: Mass, Physical Ascension into a Brand New Space at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Gateway-to-Higher-Dimensionality-V2-R3.pdf
- Gateway to Higher Dimensionality. Vol. 3: Ascension Sudden and Gradual at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Gateway-to-Higher-Dimensionality-V3-R5.pdf