1989 article mentions using a (Swine Flu) vaccine to inject microchip implants
Matthew Ward has been telling us for many years that the microchips used by the deep state in vaccines are de-activated and neutralized by our star family.
Let me go over his comments because this must be a major source of fear for many people – that they’ve been chipped – or would be chipped – and will be controlled.
In 2009, he referred to the technology used to neutralize the swine-flu vaccine and de-activate the microchips in it:
“Just as in the previous flu situations, the technology of our universal family has neutralized the swine flu virus-laden vaccines and will continue to do so as long as the makers persist in their scheme. And please have no worries about programmed microchips being implanted via inoculations – if that is attempted, the programming will be erased by that same technology.” (1)
In 2015, he called the idea that the cabal was controlling people’s minds through microchips invalid.
“[That] the cabal is controlling peoples’ minds through inoculations containing programmed microchips [and other similar fears are examples] of distorted information, uninformed opinions or skewed interpretations, long-outdated contingency plans, long-outdated potential land/sea changes, scare-tactic lies, or falsehoods in messages channeled by base entities claiming to be respected light sources. And, just as not all information on the Internet is valid, neither is everything that mediums tell their clients.” (2)
He asserts that the vaccines, replete with pathogens and microchips, were planned well before the outbreak. And he reassures us that galactic scientists have erased the chips.
“Vaccines laden with a deadly amount of pathogens and the programmed microchips that also would be [in] the inoculation were ready well before the coronavirus was released. All aspects of this ‘pandemic’ agenda of the dark ones—let us call them Deep State, the term now commonly used—were meticulously planned years ago, after their attempts with SARS, avian flu and other laboratory-designed viruses failed to produce the pandemics that, like the coronavirus, were intended to kill billions.
“We add this vital point: Extraterrestrial scientists among you have greatly reduced the toxicity of that vaccine supply and erased the chips’ programming. ” (3)
Is this something the unawakened population would give weight to? Probably not yet. Perhaps don’t argue it in a court of law.
But the truth will come out and probably not too much further down the road.
Returning to microchips, what Matthew said in 2009 appears to be occurring at this time:
“In the ever intensifying light, leaders who follow Illuminati orders will be toppled and replaced by wise leaders with integrity and honor. The ‘black ops’ behind terrorist activities will be revealed, the origins of ‘pandemics’ uncovered, chemtrails stopped, mind control measures ended.
“Incrementally, like a row of dominoes slowing falling, all sources of corruption, deception and vile intent will be unmasked.” (4)
By 2020, that process appeared to be well underway. He says:
“The international group that has undertaken the monumental task of ridding your world of all dark activities [the Alliance] is closing in on the Illuminati. We don’t know when arrests will be made, but as soon as they are, covid-19 will run out its course and never again will Earth’s peoples be subjected to such a scourge.” (5)
Covid has not run its course and Marberg is being introduced. Does Matthew’s assurance mean that Marberg will sputter out and fail? Or will it fail because the white hats decided that the time to intervene had arrived?
By 2023, the arrests do appear to be happening.
I regard Matthew as our best source on contemporary events. I put a lot of faith in what he says and look forward to a future as he describes it.
(1) Matthew’s Message, April 28, 2009, at https://www.matthewbooks.com.
(2) Ibid., April 22, 2015.
(3) Ibid., June 4, 2020.
(4) Ibid., April 28, 2009.
(5) Ibid., Aug. 3, 2020.