I feel like reminiscing a bit, at Christmas time. I hope you’ll allow me….
It was a key event for me in 1974 to read Eric Berne’s Games People Play. (1)
That book showed me that one could study and classify patterned behavior in humans. I’ve had an abiding interest in that subject, allegedly not having been this way all too often.
I looked at behavior from every conceivable angle – sociology, anthropology, psychology, folkoristics, kinesics, proxemics, etc., etc. Anything that could help me see the patterns in human behavior, I read. … Errrr… Well, I read in part.
My thesis adviser once said to me, “Steve, I think you only read the introductions to books.” He was largely right. I was interested only in the theory; not the application. And that was usually given in the introduction.
Wherever there was a choice between the local and the general, I chose the general. I wanted to know how it all worked, not the details of construction, etc. How did it all fit together? What drove what?
You could say that the Ascension Ethnography is my periodic report. (2)
And while we’re here, let me add two new theorems to it. (3)
Theorem 3: Love is everything.
Why do I say this? Because twice in my life I’ve found myself in a higher-dimensional Ocean of Love (Maré, the Ocean of Love; hence Mary, an Incarnation of the Mother) and love was everything.
Theorem 4: The prime architect of our behavior is our thoughts; the prime motivator is our feelings. (4)
Because I’ve identified a lot of patterns, seen how the constructed self works, looked at the self-serving bias from all angles, etc., I’ve been able to observe these in myself.
Given that I started out at age seven with a shattered personality, like Humpty Dumpty, I needed to put myself back together again. (5) This that I’m describing was that work. (6)
Nowadays, I can see myself choosing the path of conflict and coming forth with right/wrong – and just stop. Nothing to substitute. Just stop.
I have a chance at polishing the statue now. (7) I have a chance at running a group of companies.
To rephrase Krishnamurti, knowledge of the ways of the self is necessary to clear away the brush that hides knowledge of the Self.
This is what I chose to do instead of buying a house or owning a (fancy) car. I spent the money on workshops and readings. I have to say I’m exceedingly pleased with the choice. And I suspect there was guidance behind it, every step of the way. (8)
(1) Eric Berne, Games People Play: The Psychology of Human Relationships. London: Penguin, 1964.
(2) An Ascension Ethnography at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/An-Ascension-Ethnography-5.pdf
(3) Theorems One and Two are:
Theorem 1: An increase in bodily tension results in a decrease in awareness; a decrease in bodily tension results in an increase in awareness.
Theorem 2: Becoming a global leader requires a letting go of fear.
(4) I’ve reached that conclusion based on watching others and myself since 1974. The 9D Arcturian Council put the matter this way:
“We are always in the pursuit of the highest vibrational state of being that we have ever known. It is an all-encompassing pursuit that helps us to be better at serving all of you, but it is also a selfish pursuit. We want to feel as good as we can feel and move as close to Source as we can possibly be, and we do it for the joy of the experience, as well as the challenge of reaching for new heights.” (The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton “Make Earth Unrecognizable by the End of 2021,” Kathleen Willis to Steve Beckow email, July 19, 2021.) [My emphasis.]
(5) See “From the Humpty Dumpty Man to Here: Completing the Fear of Being Wrong,” June 5, 2019, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2019/06/05/300939/ and “Embodiment: There Can Only Be One – Part 1/2,” August 26, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/08/26/embodiment-there-can-only-be-one-part-1-2/
(6) I’m reminded of the galactics’ work of soul retrieval. See Matthew’s Message, Dec. 1, 2022.
(7) On polishing the statue, see “Plotinus on ‘Remaining Here, Ascending Aloft,’” August 16, 2011, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2011/08/16/plotinus-on-ascending-aloft/
(8) As an illustration of how far back the miraculous help goes, Michael has told me of a time when he prevented me from being electrocuted:
Steve: In around 1969 in Ottawa, I snipped the wire from my car’s block heater to an outlet in my home. I pulled the wire out from the block heater and snipped it. Well, that’s exactly the opposite of what I should be doing. I should be pulling it out of the building and then snipping it, right?
AAM: Correct.
Steve: I should’ve been electrocuted! Did you have a hand in that? Tell me what you did or what happened?
AAM: Well, it was not a major undertaking, Sweet One, to simply prevent the flow of electricity. So, yes, it was not your time. You were, shall we say, young and foolish.
Steve: I was totally asleep to have done that! Oh my gosh! Isn’t that interesting! Thank you for that.
AAM: You are more than welcome
Steve: I don’t know how I just reconciled it so easily at the time.
AAM: Because there were no consequences! Because the consequences would have been quite dire.
Steve: Well what would they have been? Dying, right?
AAM: Correct. (AAM, Feb. 14, 2019.)
It’s most likely and makes most sense that his watchful eye would have been there from the beginning.