(Concluded from Part 1, above.)
It’s been fifty years since I told my thesis adviser I was staying with enlightenment and pushed off from the dock of empirical materialism.
Like the film, The Strawberry Statement, and others of the era, I left the dominant paradigm and stepped out into the real unknown. I’ve never regretted my decision.
I have no job. I can write what I please. I’m beholden only to you and Michael.
And I’m sitting here, busting to turn next to what I’ve learned from him and the Divine Mother about the nature of that reality.
No, not as it applies to spiritual practice. I’m not an enlightened teacher and don’t want to pursue that line even if I were. I’m a writer this lifetime.
I want to lay out in one place the significance of such matters that the Mother has confirmed for me as:
The pattern of the Mother = inbreath, pause, outbreath = creation, preservation, transformation = Akar, Ukar, Makar (AUM) = Rajas, Sattwa, Thamas (the gunas or cosmic forces) = Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva (the Trimurthy).
This equation is the key to understanding so many phenomena.
Look for a shape to the Mother’s pattern and you’ll find a sine wave. The universe is supported on a sine wave called Aum, which is a subset of the Divine Mother.
Does this not simplify matters? Does it not suggest tantalizing avenues for research and understanding? It does for me. I’m doing the intellectual equivalent of salivating.
All this ground prepared, we’re ready to consider such things as travel by black hole/white hole portals, beaming ourselves up, Scotty, manifesting what we need, and other such matters, which right now we know only from channeled literature.
I do also read a few of the intel sources to remain current with the baseline of the world’s events. But, really, I need to leave that to others because there are far fewer of us keeping up with a chosen set of channels (one could not read them all). And what that produces is a more vital picture than what we on the ground can arrive at.
Example: Our intel sources still don’t know or admit that no nuclear weapon can be exploded. The galactics would disable it. Yet nations threaten nuclear war and people cower in fear of it. Channeled literature says: No nuclear war will happen. Isn’t it useful to know that? Now the posturing can be clearly seen for what it is and the truth demanded.
It doesn’t matter to me that the world may scoff at channeled literature. What we learn from it far outweighs the discomfort and pain of being ridiculed.
I’ve found in it the answer to the question the 1987 vision left with me: How do I complete the journey from here to reunion with the Father?
But that is distinctly another story. And aren’t I excited at the thought of writing it? Thank God we are all immortal. Oh, I learned that from channeled literature.
There will be time.