I was forwarded this summary of events, written by an author who coincidentally lives here in Vancouver. I was impressed to read a well-rounded summary of all that’s transpiring regarding Covid.
I’m really pleased to hear the number of legal cases that are being initiated. Litigation, I think, is what will bring the House of Cards down.
I’m going to make an exception by leaving the hyperlinks in this article in.
House of Cards
Avery Yackel, Ayacupuncture.com, Aug. 17, 2021
The official narrative of Covid-19 appears to be falling apart. As the number of legal actions being filed against governments continues to grow, so do the number of people who are waking up to the untold damage being caused by the lockdown measures.
Millions of people took to the streets to stand up for their health and freedom in worldwide freedom rallies a few weeks ago that went almost entirely unreported in the mainstream media.
At the rally in London, lawyer Reiner Fuellmich gave an update on the progress being made by the German Corona Investigative Committee which is comprised of a team of lawyers who have now heard testimony from more than 110 highly respected international medical experts as part of their work in launching a series of class action lawsuits across the world.
Important court decisions have already been won in Portugal, Germany, and Austria in that the PCR test, which is used to test for Covid-19 or one of its alleged “variants,” cannot be used now to form the basis for any anti-Corona measures. The investigative committee has repeatedly stated, based on their growing body of medical evidence, that the PCR test being used to determine the number of “cases” which the media focuses on, is fraudulent, unscientific, and not capable of detecting infections.
In addition, further court challenges are in the process of being filed in India, South Africa, France, and Canada. There is also new legal action by a group of American doctors seeking a court injunction to immediately put a stop to the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the experimental Covid-19 injections due in part to disturbing new evidence. It includes a whistleblower with sworn affidavit testimony, that the data in the US-based Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), currently with almost 13,000 deaths due to the experimental injections, is under-reporting the number of adverse events and that the actual number of people who have been killed by the injections is now well over 45,000 and could be as high as 500,000. In comparison, a vaccine that was developed during the 1976 Swine Flu was deemed to be too dangerous and taken off the market after only 53 deaths. The full court document can be read here.
Closer to home here in Canada, legal actions against various levels of government are still marching forwards. The Alberta-based Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms published a paper of expert medical and scientific evidence being used against the government in one of their Manitoba court cases and also published a resource page on the concerning issue of mandatory vaccination. Growing pressure against the Alberta government was instrumental in their recent decision to fully reopen the province, including abandoning the above mentioned PCR testing.
The British Columbia Supreme Court Covid-19 Constitutional Class Action lawsuit, filed against the BC government back in January, had their first day in court last week and have provided an update on those proceedings as well as what their future actions will be now that a court date has been scheduled for Provincial Health Officer Bonnie Henry to stand trial.
In the meantime, the group who created Notices of Liability to protect children’s rights to informed consent and voluntary medical treatment have recently created additional Notices of Liability against mandatory vaccines, including ones that students can file against their post-secondary educational institutions and employees can file against their employer to hold them personally, civilly, and criminally responsible for their discriminatory actions.
These attempts at making an experimental medical procedure mandatory and which don’t even prevent disease infection or transmission are not only a violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms but are also a direct contravention of the Nuremberg Code, a code of medical ethics which was created after the trial of the same name, in which medical doctors of the Second World War era Nazi regime who were involved with the human medical experimentation on victims of the Holocaust were brought to justice. Any attempt to force or coerce a person to undergo an experimental medical treatment is a complete violation of medical ethics as well as our God-given rights and freedoms.
On a final note, a group of Canadian scientists published a letter of support as they stand together in solidarity with those who are demanding scientific accountability, free speech, freedom of choice, and fully informed consent in order to make the most appropriate health decisions for their own unique and individual medical situations. Their message: “You are not alone… many stand with you”.
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Best regards,
Avery Yackel, BASc., R.TCM.P.
– Acupuncture & Moxibustion
– Shiatsu Massage
202 – 2383 King George Blvd, Surrey, BC V4A 5A4, Canada