I am in so much ecstasy at the moment, I feel as if I could burst my skin.
My job is not to get deeply into experiencing ecstasy per se. It’s to forego that depth of experience to remain aware so that I can write this down and others may find these states or spaces within themselves. With the aid of the celestials and the Mother.
A picture being worth a thousand words, I’ve attached one of my favorite bliss photos top, left. I feel a lot like that.
I confess that, when I breathe into the esctacy and it fills me up, I am then incapable of writing. Which shows Michael and the Mother to be correct in wanting to keep my experiences within range so I don’t wander off. I undoubtedly would if I thought I could justify it.
Think of it for a moment: This state of being (ecstasy) has one feel completely satisfied. As long as one occupies this space, one does not need or want fancy cars, state-of-the-art digital equipment, trendy clothing, a prestigious address, etc. One needs and wants nothing more than this precious state itself, which is worth more than rubies.
I ask myself is this Ascension and I get back a “no.” The experience is higher dimensional but temporary and undoubtedly toned down. I’m anchored in 4D and imagine I’ll remain so at the end of this elongated experience. If there is an end.
Just as I was getting ready to retire, the feeling of ecstasy grew inside of me. I think it was because I’d put my computer away for the night and relaxed.
It grew and grew. It permeated every inch of my body. I was totally immersed in it.
Its effect is so powerful that it heals the memory of any injustice, any incomplete event, anything said or unsaid. All accounts are settled. We’re left in the present moment, another launching pad for what’s next.
Could ecstasy be what Jesus meant by the Great Comforter he will send?
Right now I’m simply allowing myself to simmer in it. But what would happen if I took this state of being into outside life?
I tried a couple of days ago and the attempt failed miserably. I scampered back to my burrow. I’ll save you my self-serving story.
I think I’ll stay off by myself for a little while longer to allow myself to enjoy this space without interruption.
I just had the thought that this space is as healing as a med bed. I can imagine that that would be true.
For that reason alone I choose to bathe in it all night long.