(Continued from Part 2, yesterday.)
(2) Detach from the unreal.
After identifying one thing after another that’s not true or real, we gradually lose our taste altogether for many things that used to excite us.
Foods we’ve always loved, drinks, locations, activities – now we find all of our tastes changing and much of the excitement of these things going away.
Also, more and more of our own artifice and stage management may come into view.
The way we present ourselves to others, what face we put on, how we make ourselves up all now become apparent.
We begin to see that the way we’re looking at the situation may be neither true nor real. We may be avoiding saying what we think and mean. We may exaggerate and excuse ourselves for doing so.
We may add a few details and subtract a few and feel pretty pleased with ourselves. After all, no one’s looking.
Life revolves around certain axes: looking good, being right, feeling up. But these shoes begin to pinch.
Our ordinary ways of being no longer satisfy the deeper we discern between the Real and the unreal.
Somewhere in the process of detaching, we reach a point where the desires fall silent. I call this stillpoint and it’s a launching pad for spiritual experience. (1)
Finally our mind quiets down completely. Everything else goes on – we eat, we drink, we work. But no thoughts arise and, if one does, the mind does not take hold of it.
As it turns out, detachment can be a plus for a lightworker. I once protested to Michael that I knew nothing about money. How could I be a pipeline? He replied that that was not a drawback; it was a plus:
“We know that your desires do not tend towards the physical. And of course that is one of the reasons why you are perfect for flowthrough [or pipeline]. You are not looking for planes and châteaux.” (2)
If one isn’t attracted to the physical, one is more open to be drawn to the spiritual, in this case in finance. And a built-in longing for liberation adds its impetus, helping one move, slowly but surely, towards the Divine. (3)
As I said earlier, detachment is not detachment from the object, but from attachment to it. We’re lightworkers and what Hindu sages would call “householders.” We don’t seek a life in the forest. We don’t practice renunciation of things; we do practice renunciation of earthly attachments.
“Earthly attachments” is such a clumsy phrase. Material pleasures, sensory delights – whatever we want to call the attractions that compete for our attention with the Divine.
As lightworkers, we’re here to help others – to serve – and so we’ll always be living among objects and attending to their needs.
We don’t neglect our tools. But we also don’t allow the siren song of life’s pleasures to distract us from our main work of assisting with Ascension in the short run and realizing ourselves in the long run.
We’re now ready to meet the Divine, which is to say, ourselves.
(Concluded in Part 4, tomorrow.)
(1) See Desirelessness and the Still Mind at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Desirelessness-and-the-Still-Mind-3.pdf
(2) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Aug. 2, 2017.
(3) “[The] longing for liberation is the will to be free from the fetters forged by ignorance — beginning with the ego-sense and so on, down to the physical body itself — through the realization of one’s true nature.” (Shankara in Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher lsherwood, Shankara’s Crest-Jewel of Discrimination. Hollywood: Vedanta Press, 1975; c1947, 36.)
“All things long for [God]. The intelligent and rational long for it by way of the stirrings of being alive and in whatever fashion befits their condition.” (Pseudo-Dionysius in Cohn Luibheid, trans., Pseudo-Dionysus, His Complete Works. New York and Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1989, 54.)
For more on this subject, see “Understanding the Longing for Liberation – Part 1/3,” October 16, 2016, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2016/10/16/understanding-longing-liberation-part-13/
“Understanding the Longing for Liberation – Part 2/3,” October 16, 2016, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2016/10/16/understanding-longing-liberation-part-23/
“Understanding the Longing for Liberation – Part 3/3,” October 17, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2016/10/17/understanding-longing-liberation-part-33/