There exists a spectrum to how spiritual evolution is accomplished.
At one end is what can be purely called “spirituality”; at the other, what can be purely called “growth.”
What’s the difference between the two as terrestrials practiced them?
Well, of course, everyone will have their own opinion and that’s as it should be. In my opinion, the difference between them is that growth works through the body to enlightenment and spirituality focuses more on what’s beyond the body and attaining that.
Spirituality doesn’t ignore the body but the interest of spiritual people seems to lie more on what’s beyond it, beyond our everyday life, our senses, our memories.
Growth work doesn’t ignore God and the Self. It sees such measures as releasing muscular holding patterns and the belie3f systems that causes them as pathways to Self and God.
Some spiritual people view growth people as being crude and elementary. Some growth people view spiritual people as having their heads in the clouds.
I personally think it’s purely a matter of preference and both are valuable approaches to spiritual evolution.
Maybe you like the way you feel when you have a full breath release in rebirthing or a full body release in bioenergetics. And growth work is what you want to stay with for now.
Maybe you did growth work earlier and had a peak experience, which gave you a tase of bliss. You heard that bliss is higher-dimensional and now want to know – what is all this?
This means something, you find yourself saying, over and over. And t does. It means the world.