Yes, I will continue to post lightworker commentators who don’t reproduce the meme war or get mired in “political intrigue.” It’ll be a lot smaller circle.
They’ll have their own opinions, not all of which I might agree with, but I don’t want to interfere with that.
Their arguments are thoughtfully expressed. They’re based on as much evidence as “conspiracies” allow. (2) More to the point, they’re motivated by a genuine concern for humanity’s welfare, spoken without malice. And that’s what we need more of.
Events are occurring as we speak that do need to be covered. The two videos that follow contribute to that effort.
The first is a wake-up call from Laura Eisenhower to do our own research. Added to the “second wave” as an attack on our health, she says, is the second wave as an attack on our human rights. We as a society are at a crossroads, she believes. 21 mins.
The second is a video Laura Eisenhower recommends watching.
Celeste Solum – “COVID-19: Disruption By Design – The One World Government Cometh” 28.29 mins
Former FEMA insider Celeste Solum talks about the second wave of Covid-19 and the New World Order’s plans.
She left FEMA because they wanted to promote her to a management position from which “I would have had to imprison you or put you to death.” She could not tolerate the cynical laughter from her superiors over what FEMA was actually planning and doing.
FEMA’s activities have been known from the outside for more than a decade, which is as far back as my awareness of FEMA goes. But she’s the first insider I know of to confirm what the outside commentators have been saying for the past ten years.
Again, she’s risking her life to get the message out now on the New World Order’s Covid-19 plans. Keep in mind that world dominance and global depopulation are the NWO’s stated aims. This secret society, as John Kennedy said, buries its critics and its “enemies.”
(This video has now been censored by Youtube. Fortunately we downloaded a copy.) (3)
And here is the World Economic Forum’s Covid-19 Action Platform Celeste refers to. A very sophisticated tool.
The vision that Celeste outlines as the global governments’ plans for us is blood-chilling.
Who could have produced so much of such complexity and depth by late March 2020? How was it the World Economic Forum was so well prepared? How is it they knew so much so soon? (1)
Clearly this plan was a long time in the making. I can’t conceive of things being otherwise.
Thanks to Celeste for producing this piece of evidence, which demonstrates that parts of the pandemic were planned and that that plan forms a central piece of the Illuminati strategy to control and subjugate the world’s population. (4)
Thank you, Laura and Celeste.
(1) By their very nature, investigations into conspiracies face difficulties collecting evidence. The conspirators don’t want their crimes to be discovered and do their best to cover their tracks. Evidence is not as easy to come by as in other investigations.
(2) I don’t know enough today, and I knew much less in March 2020, to make intelligent use of such a sophisticated tool. The scope of it is overwhelming. It had to have taken time to develop.
(3) Using Macx Youtube Downloader freeware.
(4) The exact cause of the pandemic has not been established and probably won’t be for some time or until the Alliance begins its post-arrest broadcasts. Some people are arguing that the release was unintentional.
Aren’t bioweapons intended to be released? What’s the use of a bioweapon that isn’t intended to be released? Why are we making bioweapons except to wipe out large numbers of people?
Is there a difference in outcome when a bioweapon is released unintentionally, rather than intentionally? Do the dying care?
Others are pointing to a highly-intentional, multi-location release of the virus (China, Iran, Italy, and the U.S.).