Credit: The Atlantic
I’ve reached a point in my spiritual journey that I recall others having reached.
Until now, I’ve seen that my thoughts result in my mind responding with a certain feeling, all of this programmed by my core issues and beliefs. I could loosely say that my thoughts “cause” my feelings.
Also until now, I’ve been looking for the exact meaning and origin of my thoughts as the way to cause my unwanted feelings to lift. The truth sets us free.
But now I see this kind of investigation and exploration as not totally needed.
All I have to do, really, is to let go of the thought – any thought – and the feeling subsides. Just drop it as I would a piece of luggage.
I was feeling guilty about having to phone a government department and bother the worker repeatedly. The minute I let the thought go – without needing to “go into it” – the feeling dissipated as well.
My premise is that below my thoughts, I reside in love and bliss. It’s only when an untoward thought arises that it calls up an unpleasant feeling. And it’s that feeling that acts like the irritant, the grain of sand in the oyster.
The feeling is what I find pleasant or unpleasant. The feeling is what spurs me to action. But it’s the thought that determines what the feelings called up will be.
If I release the thought, I should find myself in the residuum or default again, which for all of us is love and bliss (peace, joy, etc.).
As my friend Len says, everything is fine … until we think about it.
No thought, no feeling. My mind is saying “This is too easy.”