What I’m finding most difficult to do – and what seems to be the crux of the matter of raising, rather than lowering, my vibration – is to break the cycle between feeling a certain way and automatically acting in a way that I think I have to as dictated by that feeling.
I feel the same low-level emotion that I so often feel upon awakening, which roughly translates, if I give it words, as “Am I still here? Ahhhhh.”
It relates to an ancient sense of not enjoying life with Father and wanting to leave this vale of tears. It’s an ancient vasana (or core issue). It probably goes back through many lifetimes as well. Since I’ve only been to Earth eight times (while others have been here many times), I probably hanker for wherever home is.
I respond by “taking care of myself.” In this case, I’m treating myself to a plate of sushi, Kathleen being out of town.
But my action is automatic. There’s no thinking involved. It’s conditioned, habitual behavior.
I don’t go through any steps with it. I flee from the feeling and distract myself with a treat.
I’m responding as if I am my feelings, and so, if I feel dismayed and depressed, I need to do something to appease the hurt child within me.
I could. I’m not saying that wouldn’t be a good thing. And I have no idea what the conclusive thing to do would be. If I did, I’d have done it.
But a better approach than acting out my feelings – and one that recognizes spiritual verities – would be to allow the feeling to progress while taking the position of the observer with it rather than the participant.
In other words, don’t act on it. Stand back, as Michael is fond of saying, and simply observe. It will of its own accord disappear.
The feeling is re-energized when I assume it and I are one and then act on the basis of it. If I project it or introject it, harm others or harm myself, it gives the whole thing an increased energy signature.
It thus has more of a hold on my memory and imagination than if I didn’t act on it. It may become a vasana that bends the twig and inclines the tree.
I feel depressed so I beef myself up in some way. I feel angry so I express it by grimacing. Whatever I feel is what I am and on whose orders I act.
But I know that this point of view does not reflect the truth. From the out-of-body experience I had in 1977, I at least know I’m not my body. My feelings went along with the spirit body so they were deeper than my body and its sensations.
Nevertheless, seeing that something so important to my identity as my body is not who I am has me question other things. My intellectual side tells me I’m not my feelings either. But I haven’t had an experience of that or a realization of that assertion yet.
However, I don’t need to wait to have that question answered before I switch to observer mode with my strong and unwanted feelings.
What I say about abiding as the observer doesn’t apply to the divine states. It applies only to unwanted, inappropriate, and extreme emotions, like anger, hatred, dismay, depression, jealousy, greed, etc. Fill your boots with the divine states. That’s the direction in which life is headed, in my view.
As I walked to the restaurant, I switched over to observer state, observed my dismay, and immediately found that a powerful struggle was going on. One part of me was insisting that I AM my emotions. I hear a voice telling me to own them, express them, live them, etc. At times like that, I bonded with my feelings.
So I understand that point of view. It sees us move from a victim stance to an ownership stance. I think that a good thing.
But what I’m saying here is different. Let me bring in here what the Arcturians said, that I was to master every thought and feeling:
“You will be called upon to master EVERY thought and feeling.” (1)
“You have to be the master of your consciousness at all times. That is a very big challenge. It is your initiation as well.” (2)
This is the work that I hope will accomplish that. But it’s also the work I hope we all accomplish.
We as lightworkers, wayshowers, financial stewards, etc., are not looking to live in the country, off the grid.
We’re talking about living right were we are, dealing with visiting galactics, Agarthans, and other terrestrial cultures, helping all of them with their mission of helping us.
We’re talking about writing or speaking about matters which routinely test our values and require our humility.
No matter what your mission is, I assert that you wouldn’t be reading this if your mission didn’t have at least a component of communication in it. Just my guess.
So we’re teaching each other (and you regularly instruct me by email) how to speak neutrally, think non-judgmentally, and prepare ourselves for bigger roles with the passage of time.
It’ll require all of us to be masters of our thoughts and feelings. (3) For me this is a big step, if I can complete it.
Having worked for decades to establish my connection to my feelings, I’m now going to voluntarily break that connection and assume an impartial observer stance on them.
I need my thoughts and feelings to settle down for me to reach a place of balance that will allow me to be able to work with a galactic – or any human on Earth.
Don’t forget that, to our star family, we’re pretty, shall we say, primitive. (4) Lowering their vibrations to our level is unpleasant for them; they’d rather we raised our vibration to theirs. And of course, is that not Ascension?
All of this is easily said, but I get that it’s not so easily done.
(1) The Arcturians in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Suzanne Lie, Nov. 8, 2013.
(2) Ibid., July 22, 2014.
(3) Keep in mind that a still mind and feelings are not only needed for service with the galactics, but it’s also a pre-requisite for and precursor of the higher enlightenments. So we’re going in a wholesome direction if we still our mind and feelings.
The One is still; nothing material exists in the One. The divine states exist there (and flow, being non-material) but not the lower thoughts and emotions. Nothing material (matter, mater, Mother) exists in the One. All is to us stillness.
I have no words to describe what the Self is. But it’s neither thought nor emotion. I knew it on Sept. 18, 2018 via the divine states of innocence and purity that I felt in its presence, in this dualistic and toned-down experience.
(4) “The human condition, with its worship of the intellect, is in actuality the bottom wrung of a very high dimensional ladder.” (The Arcturian Group, May 7, 2017, at https://www.onenessofall.com/Welcome2.html.)
“As you are beginning to understand, in some ways you are amongst the least advanced life forms. But that is of course changing right now and it is why you will have a lot to learn from those advanced Beings heading for Earth.” (SaLuSa, Aug. 5, 2011, at https://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm.)
“Without being disrespectful to you, you are more like babes in arms.” (SaLuSa, Jan. 13, 2010.)
“Our continuing observations of your scientific, political, and cultural arenas reveal that you still have much progress to make to meet our nominal preconditions for first contact.” (Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation, through Sheldan Nidle, Aug. 19, 2008 at https://www.paoweb.com/sn081908.htm.)
“The … Hue-mans must raise their vibrational frequencies to a high-enough level that they can resonate on the same frequency as these higher-dimensional beings. It is too much of a risk for them to lower their vibration to yours… This is why you could never see them before. All this is rapidly changing and all will coalesce for you.” (“Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and Source Creator: Upgrading to a Multidimensional Operating System,” channeled by Goldenlight, October 4, 2013 at https://thegoldenlightchannel.com.)
“Since we exist, live and function in the fifth dimension and higher, it takes tremendous effort on our part to descend into the heavier and might we also say, highly polluted atmosphere of your planet now. Each of us who does make short landings has to undergo a thorough cleansing process before we are allowed back on our mother ships where we reside, so as not to contaminate our own living quarters. We do not say these things to shame you, but to let you know that there remain some differences in our living environments that make it difficult for both sides to come together as one.” (“The Council of Nine: True Change Starts From Within Self,” channeled by Eliza Ayres (aka Tazjima Amariah Kumara), June 4, 2014 at bluedragonjournal.com.)