Looking at the refugee, homeless, or opioid situations, we can see our fellow humans — our brothers and sisters — stigmatized.
But what does that mean?
Found in my online dictionary, the words, ‘stigma’ and ‘stigmatize’ have quite a range of meanings. The definitions that concern us are:
stigma | ˈstiɡmə |
noun (plural stigmas or especially in sense 2 stigmata)
1. a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person: the stigma of having gone to prison will always be with me | debt has lost its stigma and is now a part of everyday life.
2. (stigmata) (in Christian tradition) marks corresponding to those left on Jesus’ body by the Crucifixion, said to have been impressed by divine favour on the bodies of St. Francis of Assisi and others.
stigmatize | ˈstiɡməˌtīz |
verb [with object]
1. (usually be stigmatized) describe or regard as worthy of disgrace or great disapproval: the institution was stigmatized as a last resort for the destitute.
2. mark with stigmata.
(It’s interesting that stigma is associated with the Crucifixion and suffering.)
I see that, when I stigmatize, when I disapprove of anything, from how someone looks or what one is wearing to situations considered “distasteful,” I’m engaging in judgement, creating suffering and separation from the Divine with my thoughts.
Judgement stems from lack of self-Love and lack of self-worth on an individual basis to a collective one, which is something we are here now to eliminate.
My principal guide told me through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, in 2012:
There is no such thing as mistakes.
The only mistake humans make is in judgement,
when they judge themselves or others to be less than,
when they do not see the glory of their own Divinity,
and that is just sad.
Taking the time to look deeply within, when judgements arise — judgements can be insidiously tricky — is imperative for us to operate in the higher frequencies and expanded vibrations, to create a world that works, our community, Nova Earth.
The false grids, the entrenched beliefs of hatred, judgement, limitation, separation anxiety, control, guilt attach to core issues of sorrow, shame, anger, fear and cause us to stigmatize.
Seeing, recognizing the false grids, and feeling (for healing) old emotions, helps us to act, to operate without judgement.
When something arises that feels uncomfortable — and the Divine is helping us with this — when we sit still, and come to understand what we are doing, we become heart conscious.
“How is this uncomfortable present situation connected to the past?”
Asking this question of ourself, we see patterns of behaviour emerge, stemming from childhood.
Here’s an example:
Recently, I invoked the Mother and Her Infinite Grace for (self) forgiveness of everything.
When we invoke, if there is a behaviour not of love we are holding onto consciously, unconsciously or subconsciously, the Divine can help us to see it to forgive, to be compassion and gratitude for, to let it go.
While at an event, I found myself embarrassed with how someone I was with, was dressed. The feeling of disgrace, of stigmatization was multiplied by the Divine exponentially! (Usually, I’m quite laid back, allowing others to be however they are.)
The next day, while sitting still, I asked, “How is this uncomfortable present situation connected to the past?” and I saw as a young child I didn’t dress the way others did.
I remember one year asking Santa silently for weeks before Christmas for a pair of shoes, and they never came. I was embarrassed at school with my clothes and shoes, feeling I didn’t fit in. I judged my self for what I perceived I didn’t have.
This judgment of another, at this event I just attended, was actually judgement of my self stemming from childhood, creating separation within and without.
The Divine was helping me to really feel my core issues of sorrow and shame and the false grids of hatred, judgement, limitation, separation anxiety, guilt, stigmatization controlling me.
I apologize to my friend and I forgive my self for this behaviour so I can be free of it.
I forgive my self for
not experiencing and expressing
my self as Divine.
Now is the time to be aware of behaviour not of love, to forgive, be compassion and gratitude for all our experiences.
I Am Gratitude for everything
especially my childhood, all the experiences,
for my parents, my siblings, my relatives, my friends. . .
We are here to bust the old systems, especially stigmatization and judgement, sitting still, delving into the past, with awareness.
The old systems cannot survive when we are forgiving, compassionate, in gratitude, all the Divine Qualities.
I invoke the Mother
and Her Infinite Grace.