I’m writing this column more for our sources than for readers.
I’m asking them to consider the manner in which they frame their explanations because some of the topics are difficult to understand (hence the use of metaphors) and some of the explanations can be confusing.
Let me use the notion of balance to illustrate.
As I mentioned to Archangel Michael in this current (April 14, 2016) Hour with an Angel on the subject of balance, I was confused by existing discussions because they drew on different metaphors, most times without saying they’d made a switch. The practice is usually called “mixed metaphors.”
I had trouble until I started distinguishing among the metaphors.
One metaphor casts balance as a teeter totter. Equal weights on both sides creates balance, as in the illustration above left.
Another sees balance as what occurs at journey’s end or completion. We reach the end of an issue or upset and land up in the middle, in the center, in balance.
Another metaphor is closely related: Balance as the quiet mind. This views represents balances as what awaits us at the end of the journey of completion.
Here we focus on the end result rather than the journey. Having completed our upsets and issues, we bring the waves in the mind (vrittis) to a stillness and are left with a quiet mind. That brings us to the centerpoint, the stillpoint, the heart. (1)
A fourth interpretation is balance as with the ballerina on point. The ballerina stands on her tiptoes in balance. If she leans to the right or left, she falls over.
So we too, if we avoid the extremes of emotion, can remain on point or in balance.
A fifth interpretation Archangel Michael gave during the radio show: Balance as being in alignment. Lining up – specifically with the Divine Plan – leaves us in a place of balance as well. (2)
Not all of these metaphor do the same work. The teeter totter reminds us to bring love to places where love is not, to balance things. The completion metaphor reminds us to observe our upsets with passive awareness until they lift. The ballerina metaphor reminds us not to lean to the left or the right but to remain detached and in the center. Etc.
However if the channeled source simply moves from one metaphor to the other without warning us, things for me can become a jumble and I get frustrated.
I personally draw most on the notion of balance as what’s there when we achieve a sense of completion of an upset or issue. I have difficulties with the first metaphor (the teeter totter), as I explained to AAM in the show. Am I to balance love with hate? Somehow I don’t think so. The transcript will provide his full and helpful answer.
In many spiritual processes, as AAM once explained, “balance is key.” (3) Key to our understanding and key to our entering into and remaining in bliss and other higher-dimensional states.
My request to our sources is to be aware that we can get confused by the use of mixed metaphors.
I understand that mixing them is sometimes necessary. I also appreciate the difficulty of describing a higher-vibrational state to people in a lower-vibrational one, who have difficulty even imagining what’s being discussed.
But perhaps realize that you may lose us if you don’t give us the information in a manner that conforms with our methods of understanding.
I’ll be writing more about balance in the near future because the notion is, as AAM said, key to a lot of what I think we’ll be facing in the weeks and months ahead.
(1) One shouldn’t overlook the fact that we end up in the center, in the heart. That is not an insignificant ending point.
(2) Here’s an instance of AAM discussing alignment with the Divine – in this case, the Light:
“Know that Divine Light lives within you in the Sacred Temple of your Heart. When you Align your being with this Light, you can anchor yourself in this Flow and transmit and project these Light Codes. You become an Anchor and Transmitter of Galactic Frequency, of the Heart and Love of the Divine Intelligence.” (“AA Michael about The New Earth Energies April 2013,” through Celia Fenn, April 22, 2103, at https://www.starchildglobal.com.)
(3) “Transcript: Archangel Michael – On Mastery and Leadership, April 16, 2015,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/04/25/transcript-archangel-michael-on-mastery-and-leadership-april-16-2015