The big news: At 6:25 The Insurrection Act was signed last night. “This is not a drill.”
Coast Guard, Navy and border agencies are watching for alleged criminals trying to escape.
Nancy Pelosi was attempting to get the nuclear codes away from the President. (From data on her confiscated laptop.)
Trump will either use patriot blogsites to communicate his message or the Emergency Broadcasting System. Could happen before Tuesday. Is this the Federation of Light’s “Announcement”?
Reasons for the power outage in Pakistan: The Chinese were about to sign a deal there with General Electric to purchase the company for above $5 trillion. This was the Alliance’s way of saying no deal: Turn the lights off in half the country. (Action taken based on data recovered from Pelosi laptop.)
Italy: The Alliance is working out a deal with the Italian government to save it from collapse in return for certain arrests, after the discovery that Vatican computers, using Italian military satellites, financed and originated the election vote rigging.
Speculation: Vice-President under Trump would be Gen. Flynn.
I’m sad to hear Simon say the Pope is implicated in pedophilia, etc. Sadder still to hear him say the Pope has been removed. I hope neither is true.
C. Sun. 10 Jan. Simon Parkes Update:
- Source close to decision making team said “This is not a drill.”
- We expected the announcement next Wed, not last night.
- The original plan was for the President to do an address last night at midnight EST and Mike Pompeo to release information every half an hour, then every 5-10-15 min.
- This didn’t happen because of events that occurred.
- Pakistan has had a 40% outage – General Electric – many US fighters have GE engines. Most of employees of GE did not realize it was sold to the Chinese – The Chinese wanted to do the deal in Pakistan, but the Trump team found out. The Chinese found out about Trump through Nancy Pelosi and now they wanted this deal very fast in China.
- President Trump and family were not at White House but in secured hiding.
- An Italian judge signed warrant for PM and a general to be arrested because of their involvement in 2020 Election fraud.
- Power outage in Germany has to do with the Dominion voting machines used in the 2020 Election.
- Closing borders to Canada so certain groups won’t flee.
- Coast Guard, Navy and Air Force were looking for groups trying to flee from the US.
- The Vatican controlled the satellites that threw Trump votes to Biden, Pope involved in pedophilia and believed dead but if not, will be arrested.
- Curfew in Quebec
- Yesterday regular troops were deployed in California
- Insurrection Act signed last night by President
- Trump will be inaugurated in the White House not publically
- They were expecting power outages in UK that could affect water pumps
- Big names would not go in first phase.
- Flynn could be next VP for Trump
- Mainstream Media would blank everything out at this point.
- All mainstream media clips would be made up.
- If alternative sites can’t be used they will use EB System
- This will go on until Jan. 19
- They are after big guys
- [B]iden will have to be arrested
- [B]iden’s laptop has pedo*philia, survivors of R*itual A*buse by Hunter [B]iden
- Think you will be asked to stay indoors.