Love trusts in the infinite freedom of one’s soul and the soul of another. Love is not a grasping or controlling energy. Its infinite connection is based in freedom. From this freedom flows the harmony of creative action in union. Love only seeks what is best for the uniqueness of each personal soul. In its […]
David Ian Cowan: The Resolve to Awaken: Recognizing Others as Extensions of Ourselves
I must decide to see each relationship I encounter as first a relationship with my Self. I can then own my own will and power of choice, and can act from true intelligence. I begin to see you, no matter what your behavior may appear to be on the surface, as my perfect teacher, even […]
Arcturian Message via Suzanne Lie: The Stairway of Unity Consciousness.
Arcturian Message: The Stairway of Unity Consciousness. Channelled by Suzanne Lie, September 11, 2014. We are always ready to communicate, commune with you. In fact, we are constantly communing/communicating with you, as we are ONE. While wearing your physical Earth vessel, you may experience that there are times that we are ONE and times that […]
Stephen Cook: Australia’s Most Popular Newsreader, Ian Ross, Leaves a Lasting Legacy for Humanity: Breaking Down Stereotypes of Love
By Stephen Cook – April 30, 2014 Australia’s most popular newsreader, the highly respected Ian Ross, passed away in the early hours of this morning after a short battle with pancreatic cancer. Anthony and I were privileged to have shared many fun and laughter-filled moments with the man many knew as Roscoe’ during the years […]
Stephen Cook: Truth, Questioning and Consciousness Raising Now Happening Globally as Missing Plane Rumours Fly Around the World
By Stephen Cook – March 16, 2014 I think, somewhere inside, we all ‘know’ that something very unusual is going on surrounding the missing Malaysian Airlines plane right now. We can ‘feel’ it. It’s not so much because this investigation is now over a week old and still no finite answers have been provided by […]
The Arcturians via Ute Posegga-Rudel: Unity Consciousness and Forgiveness
The Arcturians: Unity Consciousness and Forgiveness, channeled by Ute Posegga-Rudel, December 4, 2013 at Video (recommended) WE ARE THE ARCTURIANS! Dearest brothers and sisters! We are here to share our joy with you! From our perspective, in the higher dimensions, we can see that more and more human beings are awakening to Unity Consciousness. […]
Suzan Caroll: Ascending Gaia
Ascending Gaia By Dr Suzan Caroll – June 8, 2012 I woke up this morning with an instruction to tell you all to gather in groups of four – four is the number of foundations – to assist in raising the foundation of the 3D/4D Matrix into the fifth dimension. How will you do […]
Drunvalo Melchizedek: 2012 The Prophecies from The Heart
Drunvalo Melchizedek: 2012 The Prophecies from The Heart Drunvulo explores the meanings, principles and workings of Melchizedek consciousness, the name given to the vibratory signature of God in direct experience of creation in this universe. In this video, he talks about how this consciousness has returned to the earth at this time to assist in […]
David Wilcock: Disaster Can be Averted by Our State of Consciousness
Ann: This is David’s response to Ben Fulford’s latest post. He agrees with Ben, but then moves on to describe HOW we can prevent this from happening. He explains how the Earth is essentially a spiritual school and the dark events that happen are only for our own growth and ascension. Disaster can and are […]
Laura Eisenhower: Unity Consciousness will Collapse Military-Industrial Complex
Interestingly, Laura Eisenhower completes the work begun by her great grandfather, Ike Eisenhower, who warned the world about the military-industrial complex. She tells us how to defeat them. Thanks to Ann and Roth. Laura Eisenhower: Unity consciousness will collapse military-industrial complex Alfred Webre, Seattle Examiner, January 17th, 2011, In an exclusive interview on ExopoliticsTV […]
An Experience of Unity Consciousness
Ed went on to watch a number of other Rob Cutter videos on Youtube and particularly recommends this video in which Rob discusses his enlightenment experience. To simply listen to Rob’s experience of unity consciousness, go to the 7-minute mark, he says. This experience of being one with everything (and much more than this) is […]
Rob Cutter: Unity Consciousness
Brian sends along a video of Rob Cutter, another of the growing ranks of self-realized people (or near to it, Brian says) who are looking at these times through new eyes. I haven’t watched it yet, except for the first few minutes in which he discusses the rationale for God creating life in a manner […]
Patricia Diane Cota-Robles: Invocation of the Light of God on Behalf of Humanity and All Life
Earlier I posted the first half of this article by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles. Today I post the meditation, which forms the second half and which Patricia led the Conscious Convergence telecall through today. However, simply reading the words leaves out the tremendously-resonant, spiritually-charged manner in which Patricia spoke them. Both Patricia and Joseph Giove appear […]
Patricia Diane Cota-Robles on Unity Consciousness, the Focus of the Conscious Convergence
Patricia Diane Cota Robles discusses unity consciousness, the focus of the Conscious Convergence. Thanks to Su. Unity Consciousness By Patricia Diane Cota-Robles We have just emerged from the unprecedented influence of several very powerful planetary alignments, an exceptionally powerful Solstice, and greatly amplified Lunar and Solar Eclipses. The influx of Light associated with these celestial […]