December 12, 2024, “You must learn to be comfortable within the silence of Spirit and within the Sanctuary of the Soul. You must experience solitude to discover who you truly are. You are learning that your inner world is even more important than your physical reality. You must turn inward in order to […]
Jennifer Chapin ~ We Were Born for this Time
November 11, 2024, “You came into this lifetime with a wealth of knowledge and a rich, composite lineage encoded within your DNA, your cellular structure, your mental and emotional bodies, as well as an extensive chakra system of virtues, qualities and talents. You may have wondered why the members of some families can […]
Jennifer Chapin ~ It is Time for Humanity to Step to the Fore and Assume their Bounden Duty
October 10, 2024, “Various great Beings of Light have carried the burden of Earth and humanity for millions of years; however, it is now time for humanity to step to the fore and assume their bounden duty. You must begin to access, use and share the Divine Light with which you have been […]
Jennifer Chapin ~ World Server Groups
September 9, 2024, “The inner nucleus will be those who are well on their way to Self-mastery. This means those aspirants who have tamed the ego desire body, and whose Soul is now the director of their life experiences. They must have gained entrance into the Sacred Mind and Sacred Heart, and are […]
Jennifer Chapin ~ Connecting with Your Higher Self
August 19, 2024, “When the appropriate time comes, whereby you have cleared much of the distortion within your personal column of Light, and you have integrated many of the attributes, qualities and virtues from your Higher Self, guides, teachers and angelic helpers, you may begin to receive advanced teachings from the Cosmic Counsel […]
Jennifer Chapin ~ The Importance of Remaining in Our Still Point
August 6, 2024, “Many have asked, “How can we connect with our guardian angel, the masters, and the angelic forces? We say to you, turn within and move your consciousness into the sanctuary of your Sacred Heart. The silence within the Still Point is a place of unlimited power. Concentrated power plus focused […]
Jennifer Chapin ~ Today is the Feast Day of Lady Mary Magdalene
July 22, 2024, Several years ago, when I was in my mid twenties, the Divine crashed into my reality in a “Paul on the road to Damascus” kind of experience. Up until that time, I spared no thought about God, or Angels and Archangels. But what I began to experience in that collision […]
Jennifer Chapin ~ Blind Faith is Not a Desired Attribute for a Master
July 19, 2024, via email “Blind faith is not a requirement nor a desired attribute of a master. You are becoming responsible partners, cocreators of your future, the future of the Earth and humankind. Your mettle is being tested to see if you can stand firm within the onslaught of negativity, fear and […]
Jennifer Chapin ~ A Quantum Leap in Consciousness
June 21, 2024, “At this time, humanity as a whole is in the midst of a major quantum leap in consciousness. Which has resulted in an acceleration of fear, uncertainty, anger and hostility as the past is released or refined in order to make way for he birthing of a new era. It […]
Jennifer Chapin ~ Becoming an Efficient Director of Energy
June 2, 2024, “You are to become an efficient director of energy forces. Become a conscious observer, and practice detachment. Do not allow yourself to be pulled into a vortex of negative energy created by others. Learn to stand firm and in control, as the director of your Sacred energy. Do not allow […]
Jennifer Chapin ~ Divine Light does not Manipulate
May 18, 2024, “Divine Light does not manipulate, force or compel anyone to do anything against their will. Divine love and intelligence will become the director of the will to create; thereby assuring that all physical manifestation will be in alignment with the greater good for all.” (Tibetan Master Djwal Khul via Ronna […]
Jennifer Chapin ~ On Becoming the Myths of Future Generations
May 10, 2024, “You will becomes the myths of future generations. They will look back and speak with great respect and awe of the brave and beautiful souls who had saved planet Earth from sure destruction, who had lifted and transformed it to its original beauty and perfection. Make no mistake, you are […]
A New Star Quest Mastery Post ~ Our New Golden Age
by Jennifer Chapin, February 12, 2024, “Many of you will protest that it does not seem like a new Golden Age. In the past, any new Creation that was brought forth on the earthly plane took much effort, and often pain, struggle and strife. That is still the mode of Creation in many […]