December 12, 2024,
“You must learn to be comfortable within the silence of Spirit and within the Sanctuary of the Soul. You must experience solitude to discover who you truly are. You are learning that your inner world is even more important than your physical reality. You must turn inward in order to learn how to function from an intuitive level as you strive to upgrade your emotional and mental abilities.
It is important that you develop your meditation abilities so that you are comfortable with your own thoughts, and eventually with communication between you, your Soul and Higher Self. There is both active and passive meditation. Active meditation is conveying to your God Self that which you which you wish to manifest or understand. Passive meditation is stilling the mind so you may hear/receive an answer.
As you evolve in consciousness and inner radiance, you will become a person of peaceful, decisive action.”
~ Ascended Masters Cosmic Council of Light via Ronna
2025 is going to be a transformative year, and our world service as Lightworkers is needed as never before. The cacophony of chaos, the beating of the drums of war, the rising pitch of hysteria are all part of the 3D and lower 4D world. Remember that the mass consciousness of humanity operates within that spectrum. Everything will be thrown at us to divert our attention and take us from our Holy Path.
This is why [we should be] seeking sanctuary within is critical now. Many of the Starseeds and Lightworkers stand at the threshold of the 5th dimension. Many are in that critical “null zone” of transformative possibility.
Tests and challenges abound, and we must use discipline and perseverance in our spiritual practice to prevail. Part of this discipline implies that we face the full measure of our shadow side because it will keep presenting itself until we transmute the lessons to be learned. The way to stay on course is to remain focused within the constant moment of “now.”
It is imperative that we close our 4th dimension hologram completely so that we can move into the rarified energies of the 5th dimension, and flow with fluidity and grace into our 6th dimension City of Light, where we will start to commune with our Cosmic Council of Ascended Masters.
We are becoming Spiritual Beings in a Human form, allowing our souls to find individual expression as we complete our Divine mission.
Some will fall away; indeed, some have already fallen away. We must not lose heart, because Lord Michael has promised us that for everyone who abdicates their mission, another will step into their shoes. We must honor all on their path and never judge. However, it is important for all of us to understand that God’s Divine Mission and mandate will not fail. It proceeds as planned, and all will be affected as Ascension continues, regardless of the stance we choose to take.
The seeds of the New Earth and the ensuing Golden Galaxy have been planted into the womb of the Great Mother by Father God, and Her energy will be felt in every heart. It will also resound throughout the Earth, deep into Her core. As we receive the rarefied energies from the Higher Realms, so are we being affected by the energies of an ascending planet. In essence, She is leading the way, and those who vibrate with her shall triumph and ascend as well.
As the seeds of new Creation begin to gestate and take root, so do we plant our own seeds for the life we wish to create, for ourselves, our families, our communities, our countries, and for the world. Remember: a single Being of Light can transform the hearts of thousands. Our Light will be felt, and we will prevail.
As Voltaire once famously stated, “We must cultivate our gardens.” Although there have been many interpretations associated with this statement, we will adopt the translation that it is time to act decisively, with Love, Hope, Joy, Truth, Beauty and Wonder, for the Highest Good of all, including the Earth and all of Creation.
(image compliments of Irina Adamchik)