January 28, 2025
The United States Military just entered the Great State of California and, under Emergency Powers, TURNED ON THE WATER… ~ Donald J. Trump, Truth Social, 1/27/25
I feel like the storyline that California is in a perpetual drought and its citizens must conserve water until it hurts has just been vaporized.
Californians—in cities, towns, and rural areas—have been scolded for as long as I can remember for “wasting water.” Meanwhile, water has always been available from aquifers and snow melt, and wasted in the form of unrepaired/underused reservoirs, leaky levies and water transport systems, and an ever-changing litany of apocryphal “endangered species” whose salvation necessitates diverting water away from humans.
Were those species actually endangered? Has anyone other than government-funded (i.e., Deep State) scientists studied them? We rely on what so-called experts tell us. Depending on who pays those experts, and any hidden reasons for strangling water flow to humans, that information may or may not be factual.
I believe Californians have been sold a mythos of water scarcity, and, lacking the wherewithal to prove the authorities wrong, most of us have been forced to accept it.
California is said to have a Mediterranean climate, with low to moderate annual rainfall in many areas. A specialized map of California shows what looks like a quarter of the state as desert.
But California, like the rest of the American West, has access to methods and technologies to bring plentiful water to people without harming water sources or causing irreparable ecological damage.
Do “science” and “history” refute everything I just said? This is all wildest speculation and surmise. I freely admit it. Have I researched any of that? Where are my footnotes?
It would be an absolutely fascinating topic to dive into, but not today, not for me. I’m more interested in how President Trump’s loosening the spigot for Californians might fit in with the return to global clement weather that Matthew Ward and other channels have spoken of.
I wonder if the reverse-immigrant-invasion that President Trump has initiated through mass deportations might be another element of contributing to a worldwide rebalancing of people, resources, and the fabric of multidimensional Earth’s infinitely-stranded tapestry.
Trump’s flicking the On switch for water to California is boggling on so many levels, my mind can hardly grasp it. I imagine there will be squawks of protest from the Programmed Blue denizens of our fair state, and possible legal action to Save The Smelt (or more likely, legal action to Stop It Because It’s Trump’s Idea). Given the incomprehensible level of destruction So Cal has suffered over the last few weeks, though, I’d imagine efforts to turn off the desperately needed water will be met with a communal stink-eye and possibly fisticuffs.
Could this signal the end of Deep State weather manipulation? Will Gaia be relieved of human-caused weather disasters that are not part of balancing and nurturing her planetary body?
The fatalistic or karmic view might be that everything is exactly as it should be. Gaia is vast and intelligent beyond my imagining. She shrugs off little blips like devastating wildfires gobbling land that she had intended to remain untouched by firestorms. A little extra rain from a couple of hurricanes is like one of us spilling a glass of water.
Similarly, everyone who has been adversely affected by unprecedented hurricane and wildfire “weather” probably had a small-print clause in their soul contract for just such an eventuality. “Sometime in the mid 2020s, your home, your life, and everything you hold dear will be destroyed by something called the Deep State. But don’t worry, it will be much better after you recover, and your karmic lessons will be invaluable.”
Whatever the reasons and the outcomes—for Gaia, for weather warfare casualties—surely this is a time to say enough is enough.
I feel that is just what President Trump has telegraphed. In one bold message, he seemed to signal the end of (or at least a massive pause in) 100-plus years of drama over California’s water sourcing and distributing.
Hopefully my deep-blue California neighbors can become unindoctrinated and acknowledge that President Trump did for the people of our state what the tarnished Democrat controllers were unwilling to do. I’m confident that if future weather warfare is visited upon our golden California (or we suffer natural or arson-caused wildfires—we do have them), the feds will step in if the California political apparatus refuses to do so.
Thank you, Mr. President (and the White Hats). Californians can take a deep breath and release it in a sigh of relief.