May 2014, some German students hired an actor to play a homeless man, and then gathered around him with music and filmed it. Kudos to these young people for demonstrating compassion (1) and drawing our attention to the homeless situation that is so prevalent on Gaia. Lao Tzu has spoken of this, of humility (2): […]
News Special Edition: Revival of Detroit
Recently Kauilapele, a popular spiritual blogger, shared a short video, about a brilliant young woman making a big difference in Detroit. This began a conversation, between fellow Golden Age of Gaia team member, Andrea Scully, and myself about our personal experiences with this city, which represents the hollowing out of America’s middle class. Both of […]
Archangel Michael on An Hour with an Angel: Homelessness, Sustainability and Community
Archangel Michael joins us in this post-Lake Tahoe and post-West Coast Express program to discuss the Company of Heaven’s desire that lightworkers come together and begin the work of building community, first among lightworkers themselves and later around the world. In the pre-record, he confirmed that there is a Reval, even though we’ve waited long, […]
Sharing is the Social Expression of Loving
One of the themes that Kathleen in particular has been developing as we move around the country down here (we’re in Cannon Beach today) is the importance right now of sharing. Sharing, sharing, sharing. We watched the homeless in Portland. Kathleen became so sad at the situation that she remained depressed for about as long […]
Homelessness and Why I Work for the Hope Chest
It was December 2010 and I was in the middle of 25 months of homelessness, when my good friend Annie first passed along the link to Steve’s Brother Anonymous writings. I was fascinated and read many of the posts before I finally clicked on the 2012 Scenario link and began to explore the contents of […]
Homelessness, the Hope Chest and Lightworkers
I said I would put up the recent discussion I had with Archangel Michael on Aug. 22, 2014 on homelessness and the Hope Chest. I know that he said what he said to be conveyed to lightworkers; I asked him if that was the case and he said it was. Some of what he says […]
Hope Chest Experiment: Adopt-a-Lightworker – Your Participation is Invited
Steve: Progress report: $900 funded to Lightworker 523 so far. More to go. Yay, team! Thank you. I’ve just had a reading with Archangel Michael about homeless people and I’ll be sharing what he said later, because he wanted me to post that conversation and discuss the matter in general. The Hope Chest has been […]