Steve: Progress report: $900 funded to Lightworker 523 so far. More to go. Yay, team! Thank you.
I’ve just had a reading with Archangel Michael about homeless people and I’ll be sharing what he said later, because he wanted me to post that conversation and discuss the matter in general. The Hope Chest has been meeting most of the day to discuss what to do about the plight of the many lightworkers who are facing homelessness at the moment. More meetings Monday. This is a situation we’re determined to address.
Can you believe it? The Mother’s Hope Chest will be 3 years old next month. In partnership with you the readers, the Hope Chest has been able to send funds to many lightworkers in need for rent, food, utilities and medical care.
The funds that Hope Chest gives the recipient provide the opportunity to practice receiving, provide relief from immediate needs, and oftentimes are a stepping stone for the lightworker that attracts additional abundance and prosperity to their lives.
However, many of the lightworkers have ongoing and larger needs than the Hope Chest is set up to handle. And so we are creating an experiment, an Adopt-a-Lightworker program.
Let me introduce lightworker #523, our first partner in this program. This is how this lightworker serves the light.
“I am interested in the Highest Good of all. I receive messages from archangels and they have directed me to write stories of kindness, goodness and hope. I participate in group meditations for sending love and light. I am not interested in the “mass arrests,” only committed to a new world of compassion, kindness and peace. In my regular work day I use social conversations to spread the messages of non-judgment and love, hoping others will awaken to love for all life in, of and on our planet.”
This lightworker supports a disabled adult and is the only source of income. Being a federal employee they lost 20% of their income last year due to sequestration.
Issue #1. This person resides in Maine and uses firewood for heating during the winter months.
“We live in the extreme northeast, firewood is not sold monthly. The wood suppliers deliver all their wood by the end of August to the beginning of September. This is done because they cut the wood but do not store it. When winter comes any wood that is outside gets wet and frozen to the ground, so it is up to the buyers to store their supply.”
This lightworker needs 8 cords of wood at $290 per cord to heat the home this winter.
Issue #2. This lightworker is behind in their property taxes on the home. The property taxes due for 2013 are $3100, and for 2014 $3200.
If you would like to adopt this lightworker, there are 2 ways to proceed.
#1 You can donate to the Hope Chest and earmark the donation for #523.
#2 You can donate directly to this lightworker and we will provide the contact information to make that happen.
From our hearts to yours, we are one and building Nova Earth together.
Thank you, dear hearts.
Karen Wilson
President, Hope Chest