All that’s required for enlightenment or an easier life is to release resistance and the need to control what happens to you. The need to control life comes from the ego and is an impediment to higher consciousness. It’s only when resistance is released that the need to control fades; then, you can be open […]
Sigmund Fraud: This Is How the Matrix Invades Your Body, Mind and Soul
Stress is a genuine pandemic, a full spectrum attack on the nervous and immune systems that greatly contributes to the unhealthiness and unease in our world. Few would disagree that modern life is far more stressful than it should be, and when you consider its main sources, it appears to be a built in feature of […]
Golden Gaia News Roundup: April 2, 2015
Happy Thursday! I will start off today’s news with an article I have been browsing right past until it’s persistence has gotten me to take a look at it…Dancing Grandmothers of China. At first thought, I figured this was just a flash mob that met more than one or two times and that would be […]
Golden Gaia News Roundup: March 21, 2015
I’ve never liked getting shots. I don’t mind having my blood drawn, but the thought of someone I don’t know injecting something I have no choice but to trust has always been an unsettling situation for me. I’m even talking things as simple as the flu “vaccine”. I have done a great deal of research […]
Nanice Ellis: Confessions of a Control Freak – and Why We Should Let Go!
I never would have admitted this years ago, but I was a control freak. Like all control freaks, I thought I knew best and I constantly attempted to persuade others to my way of thinking and feeling. It was a full time job, with long sleepless nights and no benefits to myself or others. It […]
Listening Within
There are whales who hunt schools of herring by creating a wall of bubbles which the smaller fish won’t breach. It drives the herring into tighter and tighter circles and forces them to the surface. The whales then rise from below and scoop them up in their massive mouths. That’s a little like how a […]
Are We There Yet?
I wanted to draw attention to something SaLuSa said yesterday: “Progress is still being made to bring you release from the many conditions and restrictions that have been placed upon you by the Cabal.” (1) We’ve discussed numerous times in the past that the galactics and all the the “guys [and gals] in the rafters,” […]