With all this talk out there about cleansing, purifying and purging ourselves of the last vestiges of the 3rd dimensional reality – or as they refer to it in the Law of One material, Third Density – it’s tough to get any relief from the continual energetic onslaught that many of us are experiencing. As […]
Our Deep Housecleaning
Archangel Gabrielle said in a message Sept. 21: “I remind you this day, [that you are clearing] your key motivator, your core issues, as you let the residue of the old Third go… Why do you do this? … “You are undergoing this magnificent transformation, demanding and commanding the truth of your path, of who […]
The Reinvention of the Law – Part 6
Governments will be Cleansed We conclude our look at the reinvention of the law with an examination of changes in government, human rights and law enforcement. The next step in the reorganization of society is the cleansing of government. SaLuSa tells us: “[Next] are the governmental changes so that the right people represent you so […]
Changing the War Paradigm Within
“Each one has to find his peace from within. And peace to be real must be unaffected by outside circumstances” ~ Mohandas K. Gandhi at https://www.wisdomquotes.com/quote/mohandas-k-gandhi-67.html I need to get something off my chest that’s got me fired up, so bear with me while I vent. And forgive me if I bring up a sore […]
The Divine Mother: You are Precious to Me; Will You Open to Receive?
Linda Dillon provides an update on the Tsunami of Love. Linda has been away on vacation and holds a Saturday morning conference call. This is the substance of that call. The channeling starts at 4:04. The Mother incarnated as Mary the Mother of Jesus, but again gives us a clue to her existence by saying […]
Hurray for Peace!
I had occasion to test drive my new me after having dropped three core issues in as many months. Someone sent me along an attack on channelers by a person who suffered at the hands of the Illuminati. She now includes all channelers, ascended masters, angels and archangels in the same basket as Lucifer. In […]
The Tsunami of Love is the Divine Mother’s Gift
The Tsunami of Love is the Divine Mother’s Gift The Tsunami of Love is a Gift from the Divine Mother, an intensive Wave of Love that’s the door opener to Ascension, helping us leave the “old Third” behind. There are three parts to the Tsunami of Love – a cleansing of our […]
St. Germaine on the Charges Being Leveled against Pope Francis
Because I’m receiving emails that accuse Pope Francis of heinous crimes, I asked St. Germaine today (May 29, 2014) on An Hour with an Angel to comment on the accusations. He called them “malicious gossip” and urged us not to “allow this to stall what is happening in terms of creating Nova Earth.” Here are […]
The Tsunami of Love Livestream – June 8, 2014 @ 1 – 2:30 p.m. EST
The Tsunami of Love Livestream – June 8, 2014 @ 1 – 2:30 p.m. EST May 31, 2014, https://counciloflove.com/2014/05/the-tsunami-of-love-livestream-june-8-2014-1-230-p-m/ The energies of the Universal Mother’s gift of the Tsunami of Love just keeps growing. We are being downloaded with more information, fuller understanding, deeper cleansing, expanded awareness, and a growing sense of the miraculous nature […]
Why Processing is So Important
This article is very well contextualized by “Archangel Gabriel via Shelley Young: Shifting With Grace and Ease & Becoming Your Own Hero” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/05/08/archangel-gabriel-via-shelley-young-shifting-with-grace-and-ease-becoming-your-own-hero/. We’ve talked a lot about “processing.” What does that mean and why put emphasis on it? Years ago we discussed how, if we did not cleanse ourselves of what I call […]
The Possibility of the Re-Emergence of the Constructed Self
One of the unintended consequences of the Reval, when it comes, is that we may see the temporary re-emergence of the constructed self. The constructed self is the character or mask we build as a result and consequence of our vasanas, core issues and false grids. We fashion a representation of ourselves that’s designed to […]
Lady Quan Yin via Natalie Glasson: Cell Purification and Cleansing
Lady Quan Yin: Cell Purification and Cleansing, channeled by Natalie Glasson, February 6, 2014 at https://omna.org Dear and beloved beacons of light upon the Earth, I step forth with the goddess qualities of grace, humility and love to greet you with tremendous respect and honour for the journey you are partaking upon the Earth. My […]
Social Reorganization Occurring?
Just as we’ve all been going through a process of individual cleansing of our vasanas and false grids for years, so it seems as if society, and particularly business and finance, are also going through the wash cycle currently. My pen is not equal to the task of looking at the subject in great detail. […]
Archangel Michael: Listen To Your Inner Wisdom
Message From Archangel Michael, June 2011 Through Rev. Michelle Coutant https://www.transformingradiance.com/ Dear Ones, Listen to your inner wisdom. Listen. Sit quietly and listen. Continue to listen each and every day, every now moment. Listen and integrate and understand this great knowing that you each have this inner wisdom available to you. It is the wisdom […]