Many people consider bliss and love to be the same, but for me they’re not.
For me, bliss is a movement up; love is a movement out.
Bliss elevates me; love brings me into connection with others.
Bliss draws me to God; love draws me to society.
It’s the magnetism of bliss that pulls me up and keeps me seeking God, the source of bliss. It’s the substantiality, the satisfying quality of love that has me drop my bucket into the ancient spring inside of me, draw it up, and send it out to the world.
Bliss I feel as I touch it; love I feel as it passes through me.
Bliss expands me; love nourishes me.
Bliss is the magnet that draws out my devotion; love induces caring and brings the compensation I receive for caring.
Where their light meets, there is the Self.
The Self is at the intersection of them. And bliss and love emanate from the Self. To find It, I follow bliss and love back to their origin.
What does one call the intersection, the combination of the two?
I call that intersection, that combination “me.” Bliss and love are who I am.
I am them in the world of unity as I am the body in the world of duality. Both are true in their realm of application, their domain of competence.
I am to be found where bliss and love are found. The experiment of my life is to show that the Self that I am will be found at their intersection.
I am bliss; I am love. Both restore me to me. The me they restore me to – same for you, same for me – is God.