I was discussing the barriers to abundance with another team member and we concluded that unworthiness was a key log in the logjam. I recognized that barrier in myself and agreed to source my vasana of unworthiness in regard to abundance, as an educational experiment.
By “vasana” I mean our early-learned behavior patterns that were formed in response to past traumatic incidents. By “sourcing” a vasana I mean getting to the bottom of it and experiencing it through to completion.
It’s our vasanas that get in the way of our spontaneity, openness, aliveness, etc.
I already am aware that one cannot source a vasana unless it’s up so I knew that contacting this vasana might be a challenge.
However what I discovered was that, in the face of the feeling of even the modicum of bliss which I’m experiencing as a baseline state these days, I could not even come close to making contact with that vasana. Not with a memory, not with a feeling, not even with a reaction to the messages that I knew lay at the base of it.
The messages are things like being told I was a lazy, no-good good for nothing as a very young child or that I didn’t deserve [fill in the blank].
Now in the face of bliss, I could make no contact with any aspect of the vasana.
So what does that say about our vasanas and bliss? I’d say that it points to bliss almost cancelling out or at least overshadowing our vasanas.
That’s a very provisional conclusion.
But we know already that our vasanas cannot survive the level of enlightenment called Sahaja Nirvikalpa Samadhi. (1) And we also know that Sahaja is the state we’ll be in when we permanently and fully anchor in Fifth Dimensionality.
Sahaja is a state in which our experience of bliss is very full and permanent. It’s permanent because the spiritual heart (the hridayam) has permanently opened: that’s what Sahaja is: a permanent heart opening.
I’d assume this bliss, even in the relatively moderate amount that I experience at the moment, is a foretaste of that higher state.
In the face of bliss, my feelings of unworthiness are almost entirely absent. In the face of bliss, I feel myself worthy of almost any good thing.
As a testable hypothesis, my very informal experiment leads to me to wonder if opening to the blissful energies sweeping the planet at this time may be the answer to eliminating feelings that may block us from welcoming abundance into our lives.
(1) For corroboration of this, see “Archangel Michael: Detailed Instructions for Dec. 21, 2012 and After,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2012/12/archangel-michael-detailed-instructions-for-dec-21-2012-and-after/and “The Divine Mother: Come to Me as I Come to You – Part ½,” Oct. 17, 2012, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2012/10/the-divine-mother-come-to-me-as-i-come-to-you-part-12/.