Tomorrow’s Summer Solstice promises to be an energetic peak. We are halfway through 2010. The energies continue to rise. Accountability approaches. Disclosure is probably not far off. The abundance program will follow. Let’s join our loving energies tomorrow and focus them on the Gulf of Mexico. Matthew and SaLuSa have said that such a plan […]
Owen Waters: Remember Your Spiritual Home
What Owen calls our “Universal Yearning for Unity consciousness,” other spiritual masters call a “longing for liberation” or “urge to evolve.” (1) It is innate, built in, a design feature of all life. It’s a homing device, a tidal, subsensible thirst that can only be quenched by God. SaLuSa describes it this way: “It must […]
Hands Across the Sand, June 26: No Coastal Oil Drilling
Thanks to Ramona and Krystal. We have free-energy technology already available to us. We do not need oil! What is Hands Across The Sand? Hands Across the Sand is a movement made of people of all walks of life and crosses political affiliations. This movement is not about politics; it is about protection of […]
Montague Keen: Nothing Is as It Seems
Montague Keen Montague’s Message: Sunday 20th June 2010 My dearest Veronica, your understanding of just how dire the situation in your World is, is being revealed to you. The information is there for all who seek it. They [the dark forces] are so confident that they do not bother to hide their plans. Sadly […]
David Wilcock Speculates that "Management" Allowed the Spill to Happen
In his latest blog, David Wilcock suggests that “the higher forces managing the planet” allowed the oil spill to happen. He also calls upon us to get off oil and use a new technology. Visionary Dream of a Positive Future… Despite the Oil Spill by David Wilcock June 19, 2010 (snip) WE’RE IN A […]
Russia's Medvedev Tries for One World Currency
David Wilcock cites the Drudge Report on Medvedev’s attempts to shanghai the “New World Order” by issuing a world reserve currency. Below is an image of that currency and following it are two stories on Russia’s attempts to assume a leading role in the global economy. If the galactic and spirit teachers speak the truth, […]
Ascension is Virtually Endless
The purpose of life is that the Formless should experience Itself. God, being One without a second and therefore All That Is, cannot experience Itself. Who is there to experience Whom? Where is there a second to do the experiencing? And what would It experience outside of Itself? So the Formless created illusory forms which […]
What is the "Abundance Program"?
On every front, we see the financial system so finely crafted by the global elite coming crashing down. At the same time we see the elite circling the wagons, trying to take advantage of events to increase their wealth or, if not, at least to conserve it. The process is revealing their true colors. Instead, […]
What Good is a "Terror Watch List"?
To appreciate the problem with the FBI’s terror watch list, you have to appreciate that 9/11 was an inside job and that the FBI was part of that black operation. There was no “war on terrorism” until the cabal engineered 9/11. If the real “terrorists” were situated in the FBI, CIA, NORAD, banks, etc., then […]
Rodrigue Tremblay: The 2010 Bush-Cheney Gulf Coast Oil Spill
Policy background on the oil spill. by Rodrigue Tremblay Global Research, June 17, 2010 The New American Empire “If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will be in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.” Samuel Adams (1722-1803), statesman, […]
Patrick Martin: Nearly One Million US Workers Cut Off Unemployment Benefits
How unfortunate that benefits have been cut off. More misery for the American worker. By Patrick Martin Global Research June 19, 2010 World Socialist Web Site – 2010-06-18 With 12 Democrats joining a unanimous Republican bloc, the US Senate voted Wednesday to defeat a proposed extension of unemployment benefits for workers who have been […]
Lauren Gorgo: The Solstice Reconnection Completion
Monday, June 21, 2010, the day Lois Hartwick says the Masters will be focusing enhanced energy on the Gulf, is Summer Solstice. I’ve just spent the day at the beach here in sunny Vancouver and marveled at how blissed out I felt. My good friend Len, who introduced me to 2012 a few years back, […]
The Return of the Masters
In 2008, SaLuSa reassured us that “we know the tasks ahead are formidable but where your spiritual knowledge is concerned, the Masters will return to Earth to give you the truth. They will also tell you of what lies ahead, and how the choice is always yours as to which direction you go.” (1) The […]
Background on Mario Borghezio
SB: Borghezio’s motion to the European Parliament for UFO declassification occurred last November. Borghezio himself seems to have a colored past. A member of Prime Minister Berlusconi’s far-right coalition, Borghezio is described by his anonymous Wikipedia biographer as a xenophobic, opposing the “islamization” of Europe, and a man given to flamboyant actions and, on occasion, […]
Suzy Ward Thanks You
I passed along your loving wishes to Suzy Ward, and she thanks those who sent her messages of concern: “Thank you, Steve — it’s very heartwarming to read these meaningful messages from you and the others. “Bob is in a home hospice program — I’m taking care of him on days when the hospice nurses […]