Owen Waters has a nice summary out of what he calls “twelve principles for the New Reality.” I haven’t seen a better summary of the natural law. I’d like to post them here. According to his bio, Waters is an international spiritual teacher who has helped hundreds of thousands of spiritual seekers to understand better […]
Owen Waters: Twelve Principles of the New Reality – Part 2/2
(For part 1, see https://goldenageofgaia.com/2010/05/26/owen-waters-twelve-principles-of-the-new-reality-part-12.) 7. Life reflects what you project Reflectance is a property of the universe. Also known as karma, this principle states that life reflects your beliefs, emotions and actions. The stronger these are, the more apparent it becomes that life is a mirror of what you project. Every time you change […]
Julia Redstone: The Meaning of the Gulf Oil Spill – A Message for our Time
by Julia Redstone Light Omega Newsletter May 24, 2010 https://lightomega.org/NL/20100524-Gulf-Oil-Spill.html The Gulf oil spill has affected people everywhere, not just those living in close proximity. Everywhere, concerned citizens of the planet are not only questioning what the owners of the exploded rig can now do to stop the ever increasing spillage, but also how such […]
Major Mobilization Reported
I want to acknowledge the articles I’m receiving saying that a major mobilization of National Guard (and possibly others) may be occurring at this moment. (Thanks to Bonnie.) One report says that convoys with U.N. markings have been observed in Pennsylvania. Aaron McCallum in his Project Camelot video said that convoys with U.N. markings are […]
Has the Oil Spill Triggered a Deeper Process?
Here are two views of the oil spill that point in the direction of it possibly being part of a more extensive process. The first is a video sent to me by Lou Hearnesberger, in which Henning Kenmer, a man with a geological background connected to the Danish petroleum industry, says that the color of […]
Beacons of Light
Here is an excellent message from the Archangel Gabriel through Shanta Gabriel. It touches in a few lines on the work to be done to make our light available. 21 May 2010. https://www.thegabrielmessages.com/category/messages-from-archangel-gabriel/ A theme has been developing through the messages we have transmitted over recent times. The purpose behind this theme is to provide […]
Somehow I'll Find My Way Home
I wept watching the final sequences of this video by Kees de Graaff. It touches on all we’ve done and all we’re about. My favorite lines: Blossom Goodchild after Oct. 14, 2008: “So they didn’t come. Let’s do it without them. We can.” Suzy Ward: “We chose to be born at this time. We wanted […]
Rig Firm’s $270m Profit from Deadly Spill
The report that follows supports with what Matthew said in an earlier message: “There is a ‘behind the scenes’ reason that destruction from Hurricane Gustav was less than from Ike. After off-planet technology so successfully weakened Gustav’s wind force, Earth’s weather controllers ramped up their technology’s power to such an extent that they believed they […]
SaLuSa: Negative ETs Prevented from Interfering
SaLuSa makes some interesting observations in his latest message (May 24, 2010). The first is about this year, which will see the removal of governments that served the Illuminati. “This year is undoubtedly going to become one that will be looked back upon as having been very historic where your evolution is concerned. It is […]
David Wilcock: Was Oil Spill and Possible Disclosure in the Pyramid Timeline?
A snippet from David Wilcock’s latest update. May 22, 2010 https://tinyurl.com/25gqsut (snip) THE BOTTOM FALLS OUT As the oil disaster has mushroomed in scope, I found something I had forgotten about: namely the year 2010 is directly flagged in the Pyramid Timeline as the year where “the bottom will fall out of the world.” If […]
Possible Spiral Over Western Canada
Update: in an email sent May 23, 2010, David Wilcock calls the spiral a fake. That doesn’t mean it is; it’s only David’s opinion. But he does have a background in computer graphics and film-making. Hi, David – have you heard about the latest “spiral” in Canada? See this amazing surreal video, looks almost CGI. […]
Forgiveness is the Exit Door
A teacher I once knew used to say that the function of the mind is to dominate and avoid being dominated, judge and avoid being judged, make wrong and avoid being made wrong. Sociologists call this the “self-serving bias” and it’s what we do when we feel ourselves to be separate. Saul adds that we […]
What the European "Debt Bomb" Looks Like
This graphic may help to visualize what is happening in Europe. by Bill Marsh Global Research, May 19, 2010 The New York Times – 2010-05-01 https://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=19239
Confidence-Building: H1N1 Virus and Vaccine
In Chapter 3 of The End Times (published on this site), Matthew said that the swine-flu virus and vaccine had been neutralized. His exact words were: “By honoring Earth’s free will to never again experience any terrorist activity like ‘9/11,’ God has authorized extraterrestrial intervention to prevent all such attempts and they have successfully done […]
Thirty-Two States are Now Officially Bankrupt; $37.8 Billion Borrowed from US Treasury to Fund UI
I don’t publish this to frighten you. We know that a financial crash is happening and must occur to clear the cabal out of positions of influence. We also know that an abundance program waits in the wings to restore the situation as soon as the cabal has left. For more on the abundance program […]