The documentaries below give voice to stories of the opioid crisis for American families. Families on the frontline of America’s greatest public health crisis . . . over 100,000 deaths a year . . . 9/11 every 10 days . . . The second one has a very strong message. In Canada, where I am, […]
Repost: St. Germaine on Heavenly Blessings: You Are Perfecting Your Beingness (Also, Understanding his Prosperity Funding)
Excellent discussion about our progression through our Ascension, and also at the end of this show, how his prosperity funds come with our participation in community . . . how some are already receiving them unbeknownst to them because they are in the flow of our Ascension, helping lift up our families, our communities and […]
Veteran Homelessness & Using the Violet Torch of St. Germaine
An Army vet in Denver shares his experience with homelessness and the community that led him home “I learned more from people in the streets and the four years of homelessness than I did in all my college for sure,” shared Nathan Hansley, a U.S. Army veteran. “It was definitely a life-changing experience.” An eviction […]
St. Germain: Your Multidimensional Self
by Daniel Scranton “I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame. We who exist in the twelfth dimension also recognize that we exist in all dimensions. We recognize that the expression of who and what we are is not limited to one self, not limited to one dimension. And certainly, we don’t feel […]
St. Germain: Do This Once a Day & You Will Be Amazed
by Daniel Scranton “I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame. I welcome you to explore your energy field at this time and to recognize the truth that you have everything that you need and that more is always coming. Certainly it can be difficult for you to do this when you are […]
Ongoing Spiritual Flu – Healing for Balance Within/Without
I’ve been sick for almost 2 weeks now. Although it has been quite painful, the cough never-ending, ribs sore, it is not all desperation and wondering when I’m going to get better — there have been some remarkable revelations, and also, my family and friends gathering around to help. Yesterday, Sanat Kumara reminded me […]
Spiritual Adventures with the Flu
Since Thursday, June 6th, I’ve been in bed, flattened with a covid-like flu, a deep cough, no will to do anything physical. It takes me a few days for my mind to truly calm down. By Saturday, I’m starting to review the Violet Flame information, feeling there’s more to this flu than meets the eye. […]
St. Germain Through Daniel Scranton: Will You Be Channeled by Someone Else?
by Daniel Scranton “I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame. I am here for all of you, because you have requested assistance. You ask for the help that you want and need, and those of us who are able to do so will come forth as the answer to those requests. I […]
Creating Love, Peace, Joy on Earth
With thanks to Daren, this video speaks volumes. Colonel Douglas Macgregor discusses the war in Ukraine with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Colonel Macgregor graduated from West Point Academy and is considered “one of the Army’s leading thinkers on innovation.” He became prominent inside the Army when his book, Breaking the Phalanx, was published in […]
Portal of Light Grand Wesak Global Meditation May 5th at 10:35 am PST / 1:35 pm EST
Click here for: Meditation Time Zones Guided audio in 39 languages: Instructions: 1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness. 2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool that will help opening the Portal of Light. 3. Invoke the Violet Flame from its primary source […]
Repost of Heavenly Blessings: Energy Healing (Part One & Two) with St. Germaine
Energy Healing Part Two Suzanne Maresca: Good morning and welcome to another offering of Heavenly Blessings with Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love and author of “The New You: Emerging into the Brilliance of Humanity’s Heart Consciousness” and myself, Suzanne Maresca. Today we’ll have another look at the subject of last week’s […]
Repost: St. Germaine & the How to Use the Violet Flame
Through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, St. Germaine says that with the energy of the Violet Flame, which can be the Bonfire, the Torch or the Single Flame, we can change a Universe, a planet, an individual. . . The Violet Flame helps us to make peace with our fears, our ego, […]
Zoom Class Recording — February 23rd — St. Germaine & the Violet Flame, Divine Quality Series
Thank you to St. Germaine & everyone above/below who joined in! The Violet Flame – Divine Qualities Series, Spring 2022 Recording & info here.
Zoom Classes Wednesdays — February 23rd, 5pm PST / 8pm EST — The Violet Flame with St. Germaine
Wednesday Classes on Zoom with Kathleen How Things Work in the Higher Realms Topic: The Violet Flame with St. Germaine Wednesday, February 23rd, 2022 5 PM PST / 8 PM EST Join Zoom Meeting pwd=VENaZThBSmdKcVVqTnlCVkp0NzRkZz09 Meeting ID: 814 3024 6459 Passcode: 653399 One tap mobile +17789072071,,81430246459#,,,,*653399# Canada +12042727920,,81430246459#,,,,*653399# Canada Dial by your location +1 […]
Rescheduled: Sending Love with St. Germaine — Twosday Feb. 22nd — 5pm PST / 8pm EST on Zoom
Thank you to everyone joining Sending Love this Twosday using the Violet Flame. . . Much gratitude to our star sisters & brothers, angels & archangels, Ascended Masters, kingdom transmuters, Divine Mother/Father, beloved Gaia, everyOne. Upon joining the Zoom call, I’ll be welcoming, guiding us into the quiet at the top of the hour, microphones […]