Since Thursday, June 6th, I’ve been in bed, flattened with a covid-like flu, a deep cough, no will to do anything physical.
It takes me a few days for my mind to truly calm down.
By Saturday, I’m starting to review the Violet Flame information, feeling there’s more to this flu than meets the eye.
I start asking, “How is this flu connected to the past?” and also, “What deep sorrow is this deep cough connected to?”
I start going into life review (nothing compared to a few days later) but I’m starting to get into the swing of this flu . . .
In my Zoom classes we have just been studying the Mother’s Hope so this definition is embedded in me:
By Monday, I’m really calming down, as much as is possible when one has a hacking cough, ribs feel cracked, muscles ache.
I have been taking lemon and water, making garlic, onion and ginger broths, eating raw garlic, ingesting Vitamin C and oregano oil. Everything I have on hand that could possibly help.
I get in touch with the herbal dispensary where I do readings and I get in my car and pick up their elderberry ginger cough syrup and Breath of Life tea.
Monday evening, I decide to do our online meditation and everyone gives me the energy. That was amazing, so grateful. Can’t facilitate the discussion after, back to bed.
Tuesday, intense life review happens culminating in climbing on ‘my physical father’s lap as a child’ and feeling the Love.
It felt like the Divine Father’s lap in the 13th Octave Meditation and was the most Divine Experience.
I’m still in awe, will never forget, it’s something I can draw on forever now — no resentment, no anger/fear, sorrow/shame — just pure LOVE.
Thank you, Mother, St. Germaine, the Father, my Dad, star family and friends for creating and sending me energy.
If you catch this flu, do ask for help immediately, especially from the Mother and St. Germaine, and ask the deeper questions.
There are so many available, the Healers of Tralana, the Halion Engineers, the Hathors, whoever you feel a connection to, and allow the answers to come.
We have all had such unique paths. Time to heal.
Allow yourself to see, to be, to heal.
All my love.
St. Germaine’s information through channel for the Council of Love, Linda Dillon.