St. Francis Discusses Charity on Heavenly Blessings, April 9, 2013 We continue our series on the divine qualities with St. Francis to discuss the quality of Charity. Charity is the genuine ability to share all things, material, spiritual and emotional. Based in the true understanding that there is always enough for all to thrive and […]
An Easter Giggle
The Human response to crop circles. Love, Suzanne
Connections by Suzi
It’s been occurring to me that what we consider as our own individual unfolding may be more collective in nature than we might think. Yesterday in my kitchen, I had just finished washing a cutting board. I glanced at it sitting in the drying rack and noticed the slice marks in it that could potentially […]
Connections by Suzi
Gazing into the mirror last night after having lit some candles and incense, I had an earnest conversation with the Divine Mother. I feel compelled at this point to say that this is my perception of the interaction. These are my impressions of it and they very well may be specific to me, without meaning […]
Connections by Suzi
It feels as though an entire world has passed through me since last year. The changes are coming fast and they’re powerful and subtle at the same time. What we’re transforming into is our original Divine blueprint, so it makes sense that returning to our natural state might not feel so radical. Aside, of course, […]
Connections by Suzi
For several days now I’ve been alternating between feeling cranky, blue and plain old flat. This is an uncharacteristic low for me and the feelings themselves bring on confusion as to why I’ve shifted. Is it purely our interpretations of what messages we got that caused the disparity between what we felt would be so […]
Connections by Suzi
I’m reminded of the moment when, after the breakup of a relationship, one realizes that it’s okay to be single. The thoughts come flooding in that it isn’t necessary to be half of a couple, because one is feeling comfortable in one’s own skin, independent and free. There comes a time when hands are thrown […]
Connections by Suzi
Lots of things are becoming clearer to me now. The apparent non-event of the 21st threw me for a wee bit of a loop, but happily not for very long. I had my sob fest and moved on as information about what is so continued to flow into my awareness, by many different avenues. One […]
Connections by Suzi
It’s time to make friends with the unknowable. Whatever I do to court in visions of what my own transition out of 3D will be like, there seems to be a limitation on what I can know at this point. Whatever success I’ve achieved in my personal clearing work, still I’m looking for a major, […]
Connections by Suzi
No matter how spiritually advanced we might see ourselves as being, we seem to be as children before the current unfolding. I’m not sure that any of us can truly understand what’s coming now in a matter of days, no matter how we may try. Hours spent in 3D research can’t bring the answer, but […]
Connections by Suzi
When people ask us what exactly to expect upon waking on the 21st of December, I’m not sure what’s really expected in response. At this point, what I hope is understood is that no one can say for sure precisely what to expect. In the interest of putting our focus instead on something that we […]
Connections by Suzi
Here we are, at the first of December in this most auspicious year of 2012. Many of the things that we’d hoped would happen haven’t, but I’ve noticed a growing trend of peace within the hearts of light workers, as reflected in your communications. Many of us seem to have arrived at the satisfying place […]
Connections by Suzi
I can hardly believe that I last wrote a column in early October. This year really has gone by fast and it feels like it’s accelerating. So much has happened since then that I feel like a different person. The conference alone changed me. I want to say it enhanced my ability to love and […]
Greetings from Lake Hopatcong, New Jersey
This was written in the evening of Wednesday the 7th of November. Yesterday (the 8th), we got power back to our house at 12:30 pm. after 11 days without, and I had one of the best showers of my life. After finishing a special meditation upstairs, my daughter called up to me from outside and […]
Connections from Sedona
Just a quick note while I pack to go home. I had a wonderful and life-altering time here in Sedona but I’ll write about that separately. When I get home to New Jersey I face having to throw away all the food in my fridge and freezer and possibly live without electricity for some more […]