by Nicky Hamid
Unity Consciousness Amidst the Draw of Chaos
There is this further amping up of the energies of change within and without that we are all experiencing. And it must happen within first before it reflects in outer reality.
Blatantly and intensely there is an increased highlighting of the old energies as they play themselves out in every belief system and Human structure.
Every human alive on the planet is playing their part as they act out the final scenes. Nobody is in control of the bygone conditions and structures as they surface and show their true illusionary colours.
Opaque ghostlike shadow structures, that try to cling with a desperation, without substance, no glue to hold it together. And it is fading and dissolving all the time in its power to lure one back into the nightmare dream sequence, as you make your moment to moment choices to step back into the Love Flow of SELF and Creation.
That is why, from every quarter, we are advised so Lovingly to GO WITHIN for everything we are experiencing.
Acknowledge what is happening on the surface but pay no attention to it and absolutely do not go into Fear.
As you go within, as you affirm your connection to All That Is, the old disintegrates, becomes less real, and new doors open. You strengthen your Beingness here and now in a triune manner.
First to the centre of You, your Heart Knowing, and then to your expanding identity with the Source of All That Is, your Divinity, your loving creative nature, and then your connection and love of Earth and all kingdoms through energetic grounding, and to the Life you are now experiencing.
And in these times there is even greater opportunity to practice your alignment with the inner Truth of You. Further opportunities to test your freedom wings and present evidence to yourself of how you can easily free yourself from the old patterns and games, played out through the human reality around you.
Let them all be, do not spend time trying to fathom out solutions. They will not emerge from minds. The New World(Reality) will emerge from the Heart through the Collective. Creative solutions will emerge simultaneously all over the world and if you look carefully you will see evidence of this connection between us all already. This is Unity Consciousness at work (play actually).
So the onus is on you to focus on your trust of your own journey, within and without, and not to be concerned with the playing out of the old. Creative solutions will emerge for everything and you will be amazed, you will amaze yourself, and you will be in awe of your “fellow travellers”.
This is not “burying your head in the sand”. Quite the contrary, it is a willingness to up the anti on being Present and being True to yourself. To more fully remind yourself on a daily, hourly basis, that you are Divine and in Holy connection with All That Is.
You can love every human being playing out the “end times” and no longer buy into any of the illusion because you are becoming more and more at Home with yourself.
So there is this amping up of energy from the Sun, and of the inner ringing of “The Earth Bell, the Song of Gaia, (the Schumann Resonance), and the increase of the pressure within you to make significant shifts in the way you see everything. And there is Awesome opportunity to test further your angel (Freedom) wings.
Shine On.
I So Love You
PS: And you experience the synchronies and symphony of Unity Consciousness unfolding even in these writings We share on FB. How many of us resonate with the writing of the day posted here. A simultaneous relevance and appropriateness to our expression.
This is how “solutions” will emerge, how the New Reality is blossoming.
We are building a trust in our combined Knowing.
Love is the glue that binds us together as ONE.
And this knowing is popping up everywhere. Different people around the world expressing it in their individual ways, through their living of their Purpose, and yet One song of multiple harmonies.
A tonal wave of creative unfolding. It is here and as each of us takes our power in loving kindness the Wave gathers momentum and brings to bear new possibilities undreamt of.
I get the image of a great chest in a dark mysterious and mystical room. The chest is bouncing from the power of the goodies, the magic inside. It is pushing on the lid from within with such force that streams of brilliant light are radiating out through the joins.
Can you feel the joy and excitement of the pending bursting forth from this Pandora box?
Ask the question of yourself. “How can I express today, in some way, the joy of my Knowing my own relationship with Life, and where I am choosing to walk?”.
This IS The Promise, the opening up of this “Pandora Box” of unlimited potential in your Life.