If Elisha were alive today, he might look out over the assembled soldiers and tell his servant, “Don’t fear, for those who are with us are stronger than those who are against us.” (1)
He was seeing legions of angels.
What would a modern-day Elisha see? Who are the forces ranged against our opponents?
Well, first of all, there’s our inspiration, Donald J. Trump. He seems to have the chutzpah, the flair, the grit needed, in concert with a talented team and a small band of international leaders, to bring the world together.
After all, we’re on the verge of meeting our star family from the Pleiades, Arcturus, Sirius, etc. We can’t meet them and be divided – left/right, Christian/Muslim, white/black, etc. Where did you see that on Star Trek?
We must be united by then – either from the Ring of Fire/Wave of Love, or G/NESARA, or Ascension itself. (2)
Along with Trump comes a small circle of international leaders committed to draining the swamp. It includes Putin, Xi, bin Salman, and Modi.
Behind (and above?) them is the white-hat Global Military Alliance, steering the ship and making things happen on their level, to end cabal rule.
Backing them up are the galactic federations, here to see that the Mother’s Will for Ascension manifests. (3)
Behind them is the angelic kingdom, from which all of us have come, also to see that the Mother’s will manifests. (4)
And behind all that is the Mother herself, the Architect of the Divine Plan, (5) whose dream this all is (6) and who is directing the action. She says:
Divine Mother: Although it is the Father’s and my Eternal Divine Plan, I am also Guardian of this Plan – I am Overseer, I am Implementer, I am Guardian. I guide the pieces as if this was a chess board. (7)
The Ascension of this Planet to 5th/7th density to create a new species, dubbed “homo universalis” by Ivo of Vega, (8) is the Mother’s Plan.
The Ascension itself is (pardon the pun) groundbreaking. No longer is it an individual matter which involves dying. Now we ascend with the carbon-based body restored to its superior, refined crystalline base, without the need to die.
So, as seen from the Mother’s vantage point, the tide has not turned. (9) The tide has always been towards unity and love – with caution, we’ve now learned. The Mother says:
DM: [I am speaking about] those in … positions where control and abuse of power have been rampant. That will not be the platform [from] which integration of the various galaxies [into the new interdimensional region of space] takes place. That is not the Plan.
I know very clearly, Sweet One, as do you, if it is not [in] my Plan, then it will not occur. …
Make no mistake, … Love will win because that has been my Plan always. (10)
“That has been my Plan always,” the Creator of the universe tells us. The tide was never going to favor the darkness, except to honor free will – for a while.
The tide will continue in the same direction. What we’re seeing now, as Matthew Ward explains, is the “storm before the calm.”
“Sweeping clean national governments and tyrannical regimes is not easy or quick, and the turmoil you are seeing—if we may twist your phrase—is the storm before the calm.” (11)
The calm promises to assert itself more and more in the months and years ahead until it prevails. And persists.
(1) And [Elisha] answered, “Fear not, for they that are with us are more than they that are with them.” (2 Kings 6:16.)
(2) On these events, see:
- The Ring of Fire/Wave of Love at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Ring-of-Fire-Wave-of-Love-Compilation-9.pdf
- What’s Next? Vol. 5: G/NESARA at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Whats-Next-5-2.pdf
- Gateway to Higher Dimensionality Vol. 1: Introduction to Ascension at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Gateway-to-Higher-Dimensionality-V1-R8.pdf
(3) See Our Family from the Stars at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Our-Family-from-the-Stars-6.pdf
(4) See An Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/An-Explosion-in-the-Meaning-of-Humanness-13.pdf. I’ll have more to say in another article on how the angelics work with us.
And there are a host of others – Elohim, the dimensional world, other lifestreams, all working to fulfill the Mother’s Plan.
(5) Archangel Michael: The Mother … is the ultimate architect. (“Archangel Michael on the Angelic Kingdom,” via Linda Dillon, June 13, 2014, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/06/13/archangel-michael-on-the-angelic-kingdom/.)
(6) DM: When I dream, it is done. Yes, sweet angels, my action steps fall into place simultaneously because the dream, the desire, the intention is, what you would think of, that strong that there is no distraction. (“Universal Mother Mary’s New Year’s Message ~ You Are The Champions,” January 6, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/01/06/universal-mother-marys-new-years-message-you-are-the-champions/.)
(7) “The Mother’s Clarion Call to All of Humanity!” via Linda Dillon, April 20, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/04/20/the-mothers-clarion-call-to-all-of-humanity/.
(8) Ivo: Yes. This is an extinction event. On planet Earth, only certain types of DNA will evolve or ascend. Other types of DNA will not. Homo Sapiens is slated for extinction. Homo Universalis will prevail. (“Ivo of Vega: The Nature of Negativity,” through Sharon Stewart, February 22, 2021. at https://goldenageofgaia.com/?p=317874.)
(9) The tide has not turned at the Mother’s level. At our level the tide has decidedly turned, as Michael notes:
AAM: We have come forth, yes, in exposure, but also in sacred union partnership – that is why there are so many angels on Earth at this time – and it is a sacred partnership to, quite literally not just stem the tide but to turn the tide.
It is not about to happen. It has happened! What you are seeing is what that looks like. (“Archangel Michael on Our Power to Create and to Co-Create,” October 10, 2019, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2019/10/10/archangel-michael-on-our-power-to-create-and-to-co-create/.)
(10) Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, April 30, 2019.
(11) Matthew’s Message, Aug. 15, 2015, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/08/18/matthews-message-via-suzy-ward-august-17-2015/.