I’m off today and tomorrow. Let me repost this two-part series to reassure us all that there’s more than enough gold on Earth, including gold that’s been brought here from other civilizations and treasure already brought up from the seafloor, to allow prosperity for everyone.
There’s so much gold on this planet at this time, there’s no reason why all could not have a happy and productive life. All human suffering could be banished, what with the release of that gold plus a few sequestered inventions like med beds and replicators.
But let’s take a moment to look at where some of the gold here on Earth is coming from.
Michael told us some years ago that other civilizations have contributed gold:
Steve: … [Is] off-planet gold [involved]?
Archangel Michael: Yes.
Steve: Now that is what the off-planet people contribute right? It’s gold? …
AAM: Gold is what is being formulated in the other distant planets and even star systems and gold is a universal currency and it certainly has value upon this planet of Gaia. So, yes, those transfers have mostly been made and made about a year ago. (1)
Vast amounts have also been recovered from the Illuminati, as Matthew tells us:
“The Illuminati’s illegally and immorally garnered fortunes will be put into circulation and their exploitation of natural resources worldwide will end. Since that power base is what enabled them to set government and banking policies and own multinational corporations, those corrupt controls also will end. (2)
President Trump put in place executive orders that allow him to claw back the wealth of serious human-rights abusers. And reports are that the white-hat Alliance is doing that.
Matthew actually reveals that the galactics are redirecting Illuminati transfers so that they don’t reach their destination:
“ET technology will be directed at electronic issues wherein money movement will not go the way the dark forces intend and undetectable glitches in their communication efforts will create confusion and errors.
“I am not speaking ‘out of school’ here as the dark forces are aware that this has started happening and they cannot locate the origins or detect and correct the flaws. This adds to their fear that they are losing control and their activities will become even more clumsy and obvious until all is ‘brought to light.’” (3)
Add to the Illuminati’s wealth the Yamashita gold that the Japanese buried on the Philippines. Said Udo Pelkowski of it:
“Japanese General Yamashita stored in numerous Depots large amounts of treasure in caves and shelters known as the 777 and 999 Depots. The Numbers 777 and 999 stand for the trillions of Japanese Yen that represents the value of the treasure stored inside the depots.
“Most treasure plundered by General Yamashita during WWII in South East Asia was transported to the Philippines and stored in these depots.” (4)
(See Part 2 below for conclusion.)
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, March 28, 2018.
(2) Matthew Ward, “Essay on 2012,” Dec. 31, 2007, at https://www.matthewbooks.com.
(3) Matthew’s Message, March 1, 2004.
(4) “Udo Pelkowski: Why Was This Wealth Hidden in the Philippines?”