by Nicky Hamid
Toward Unity in Galactic Consciousness
Remember that the human form and expression is made up of a monumental mixture of DNA star seeds.
Look about you and you will have discovered that many people you know well, they are familiar to you, and many at times seem rather strange and unfathomable (even brothers and sisters in your biological family).
You cannot relate to them all from your mind. But they are all part of you since within you are imprints of all the starseeds.
Furthermore, you are here to gather up, within yourself, all aspects, all resonances of the Great Galactic expression deposited within Earth over the eons and whose Light weave is embedded in your Auric Field.
So do not waste your time trying to understand everyone, just hold them all within your Heart and be prepared to Love them all. Be prepared to watch and to listen and to revive your Knowing.
You have been taught to prefer the familiar (which originates from a fear based survival mentality) and now you are going to learn that familiarity in form is not what you are looking for.
It is Light Weave connection which is your key to “at Homeness”, and that connection comes from Heart Knowing. It comes from discernment of your Truth Feeling, not from any cognitive construction or criteria.
WE are One (and We are a unique fractal of THE ONE), no matter what shape or form or expression. And our Star Brothers and Sisters are walking amongst us right now.
Some whom you have met and are about to meet, you will be very comfortable with, and some you will have to allow to be embraced in your Love without hardly a glimpse of recognition at first.
Some will really puzzle you, and that’s OK. But we are all about to learn these things very quickly and the only preparation you have is the strength of your Love and your willingness and dedication to follow the Flow of your Heart and allow and own your own expansion of consciousness, without any judgement of “For or “Against”.
Though it is quite natural for us to each have our own Preferences.
With meeting people it is more like a feeling “Yes Now” and “Not yet”.
Start by Heart connection to all those “strangers” that live in your vicinity. Allow for the fact that you can Love, even if you cannot understand or recognise how a person can be, or see, or behave like they appear to be doing.
Shine On Galactic Beings.
ONE in God Being, through God Being, to GOD BEING.
I So Love You