by Nadina Boun
How do we fill ourselves with Love?
Ironically, you begin to send it out. The more love you send out, the more you actually fill, because, remember, everything you have is God’s anyways, so the Life Force flowing through you is now being directed into love, and more portals are opening within yourself so you fill up more.
When you are very self absorbed, thinking too much about one thing or another, you are not in the moment, and so you are not in love. You are in worry and concern mode. You are in control mode.
So you let go and you turn the other cheek, and begin to send love instead. Now you begin to expand out, and to expand your field, allowing the Life Force to flow through you. You cannot control the Life Force to flow more rapidly and you cannot fool the Universe with a few statements.
Your focus doesn’t lie and your focus is either directed out with love, or directed out with judgment, or it is directed inward with peace or directed inward in absorption of some issue, problem, situation.
When you expand your focus and send love to all, you are included in the all. When you send healing to all, you are included in the all.
That is the lesson sometimes, compassion for all, rather than the narrow concern for self. Perhaps that is a good start.
You cannot take from creation, for it is freely given. When you demand, things don’t work as smoothly, because your vibration isn’t pure.
It may take more time as well, because you have expectations, you are in a rush.
When you let go and turn your attention away from taking and begin to give, that is when the universe begins to give back.
See, the universe gives you more of the same. The takers always end up taken away. The giver always ends up receiving more.
This is the metaphor of, to those who have more is given and to those who have not it will be taken from them. It is love that is being given or taken away, depleted more like it. And with love, all things are added.
Love is the law of the universe.