by Pepe Lives Matter, May 16, 2024, via email
Think about what would happen if they actually threw Trump in jail during the election cycle.
Trump unveiled just how corrupt the system was, as if he was a lightning rod, destined to fulfill this role. He caused an irrevocable change in me and millions of other people. Our eyes have been opened. And now that system is attempting to put him in jail, frame him for treason, and implement God knows what other schemes just to enact revenge. They were comfortable living in the shadows. Light has exposed evil. An unveiling. An apocalypse.
If they throw Trump in jail after all of this:
He’d look like a living martyr.
He is a man of the people, willing to take every sling and arrow to show people the truth.
Therefore, he truly is one of the most important politicians in American history.
What he started cannot be undone. It’s like a domino effect that has repercussions unknown for generations.
If they throw Trump in jail, he’ll become more than a man. He’s become a symbol for the people. He’s become an idea. His public battle has become a visceral tool of awakening millions of the otherwise sleeping masses.
Nothing they do to him will cause his mission to fail because this isn’t about him.
It’s about the people he represents.
The truth is inevitable.