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As Skye languishes at the motel, waiting to be contacted, she’s having doubts that her med bed session is really going to be happening on Sunday. When she’s contacted with proof that her session is moving forward, she’ll get off all her screens. She’s feeling a bit irritated by the lack of contact and information at the moment.
Later on in the chat, she mentioned what I’m assuming was a telepathic message that went something like this: “At midnight tonight, all your devices will be wiped of all identifying information and will be rendered non-functional.”
As in, rebellious and defiant as she may be, she won’t have a choice about whether to follow instructions or not. When it’s time to whisk her away to her appointment in an unknown location (on or off planet), the Alliance will just find a way.
She says throughout the video that she knows the Alliance is watching her every move, and she wants them to actually do what they say they’re going to do. Not setting herself up for more disappointment, she’s telling herself that she doesn’t think it’s going to happen for her on the 17th.
Skye very graciously continues to answer questions.
- 15 times she’s been in med beds, but not for healing. As part of the SSP, she’s in some kind of genetic program, and she’s still trying to figure out what that is.
- The beds do more than healing and growing limbs. The beds also can upgrade DNA. They don’t change DNA, but they can add to it…re-write the program? (She’s not sure about detail on that phrase).
- The last time she did a chat, when she was describing what she wanted to have done, the audio cut out, so she went over it again:
A general healing ~ A new set of teeth ~ To knit all previously broken bones ~ To lose quite a few kilos and get back to horse riding weight ~ To fix bad knees and shin splints ~ To grow her hair to be halfway down her back ~ Maybe to make her eyes brighter / lighter
- She said the Alliance will want her to do an age regression back to the age of 17 so that people see an actual difference.
- When asked if she’s still Human, she couldn’t give an answer, but she knows that she has Venusian DNA.
- Most abductions of people have been done by our own governments with the help of the Grays, especially by the US government, and we’re about to find out just how bad they’ve all been (Black Projects).
I didn’t mark time stamps, but this point in my notes was 30 minutes in.
- Skye talks about how listening to David Wilcock and Cory Goode helped her to recover her own memories, and once they started coming in, she quit listening to others.
- She relates the process that she went through that brought her to be communicating with Spirit, something she used to think was complete and utter BS.
It seems that’s the way it goes quite often with the gifted; some possibly traumatic event or other sparks up a forgotten skill, and our initial reaction to it is nearly violent with resistance. When the breakthrough happens, it happens big.
- You can use med beds unlimited numbers of times without harm.
- Telepathy is the main way she communicates with her contacts. She believes that she also has an implant in order to easily communicate with those in the SSP and military who deal with med beds.
It seems all her communication and memories are strictly monitored, and I’m feeling a little miffed at the way it appears that she’s being used.
- Skye said that it’s the mission of the Alliance to save Humanity, and their focus is not on individuals; “We just happen to be stuck in the middle of it.”
- When the humanitarians are in their redemption appointment, they’ll get details on how to make their med bed appointment.
- Everyone can have a general healing. If you want something more, you need to be higher frequency. Age regression is the highest frequency that you need. If you want to “add a few languages, or learn the guitar,” you need to be a higher frequency. The more dramatic or intricate the change or procedure, the higher the frequency needed.
- The Quantum Computer makes those determinations. It’s not emotional.
- Skye was born into the SSP. No further detail was given.
- 5D is just having Love in your heart.
- She’s worked with Jesus in the SSP, and when someone she’s working on is connected to Jesus.
- Spiritual blocks are different from SSP blocks. SSP blocks are chemically induced with mind-altering substances and false memory implants. Spiritual blocks can be broken through by knowing that you don’t have a spiritual block. Your belief in the block is the block itself.