I’ve just been reading an alternative journalist’s account of “everything.”
It’s very detailed and very interesting but it lacks the galactic and celestial component and, without that, it lapses into fear and incomplete conclusions.
It knows nothing of the Divine Plan, the universal laws, the purpose of life, and Ascension.
And here I am with knowledge of those but lacking the time to do extensive research in the boots-on-the-ground domain. I’m frustrated.
I know that none of us can cover all the bases. But I’m waiting for the day when the limits of our vision as a community expands to take in the world beyond this dimension.
My self-chosen task is to produce well-researched, introductory material for the person newly-awakened to the truth of what’s going on, as stated by the Mother, the celestials, and our star family.
It’s also to reassure people that there won’t be a nuclear war and there won’t be a world war. And to reveal what the white hats are doing behind the scenes as far as I can gather, etc., etc.
That’s about as much as I can manage…. until the much-awaited events and things change.
To my way of seeing things, reporting any event or pattern of events happens in stages. And that makes for different kinds of reporters.
We have the on-the-spot reporters. News at 6!
We have the in-depth, desk reporters who watch the news feed, read other reports, and consult with sources to produce the more detailed account that appears in the written media. Or they work it in as part of a more general article. Often they’re reporting patterns or trends.
And then we have the commentators who research and tap their sources, to add their own ideas and views on the news as reported. But even they stay within a language group and a nation. Again there are limits.
We don’t have those who take the various national news reports and commentaries, reconcile them, confirm, and report on what seems to be occurring in the world as a whole.
And, even if we did, I don’t know how we’d manage the self-serving bias and ethnocentrism, before the Ring of Fire shows us the alternative. (1)
[Lightbulb just went on. We interrupt this broadcast….]
Somebody just whispered in my ear, “GAoG.” (2)
Of course. We’ll re-design the Golden Age of Gaia after the Reval to take into account these various phases of reporting so that they work together. We’ll design the organization’s news reporting capacity around the predictable flow of information, from on-the-spot reporting to world commentary.
Thank you, my guide.
Pretty good catch, eh? I’m getting out of the way.
We also need a means of sampling global world opinion. Or is that a Pandora’s Box until honesty reigns again on Earth, as we thought it did? Admittedly, I’m having as hard a time facing the truth as anyone else.
If I look really closely, I see that I’m having difficulty giving up all the distractions we were provided with as I grew up – Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, and co. Junior G-men, Winslow of the Navy, the Untouchables, etc.
I’m having a hard time waking up from the childhood world I live in in which governments don’t do bad things…. Yes, Steve, governments can do bad things…. And they do. So far.
(1) See The Ring of Fire: A Planetary Heart Opening for Gaia at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Ring-of-Fire-Planetary-Heart-Opening-2.pdf. The Ring of Fire will give us a taste of the alternative: transformative, higher-dimensional love. In the face of it, all worries and concerns are swept away, leaving one innocent, pure and loving.
(2) Archangel Michael: I am right next to you. Sometimes I am typing. Sometimes I am moving your pen. Always I am whispering in your ear. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillion, Nov. 21, 2012.)