And NOW, fierce cyclones to slam America in next 72 hours (weather-warfare weapons). We are being played
We have two crises unfolding at the same time, both of the deep state’s making.
Israel is raining terror down on innocent Palestinians in reprisal for what has to be a false-flag operation. It almost seems expected that all wars begin with a false flag.
Meanwhile people of all descriptions, including allegedly terrorists paid by the deep state, are also pouring across the southern American border in a second simultaneous crisis.
And, as if by clockwork, Henry Kissinger, grandfather of the deep state’s plan for world domination, tells a press seemingly eager to report it: “Too many foreigners!”
What timing! How to stir the pot! Ties right in with what’s happening.
And we also have Prince Charles, another cabal stalwart, who seems to have been chosen to stoke the fires on the other side by asking for tolerance where there is none. He looks like a good fellow trying to hold back the mob. His role appears to be to show that the cabal cares about us.
We’re no longer hearing about climate change that’s going to destroy the world, as we did last month, or a virus that’s going to kill off the planet, as last year, but foreigners destroying our societies.
In America, this comes after “open borders” have allowed the “foreigners” in.
Hopefully what’s happening in Gaza, after one of the most blatant of staged operations I’ve ever seen, will wake the world up. And hopefully that happens before a bloodbath of Palestinian innocents, to add to the shame of the bloodbath of Israeli innocents.
Folks, this is divide-and-conquer and we’re being played.
Problem – reaction – solution.
The rest of us, stoked by the mainstream media, right on cue, react. Led by the deep state and its subservient press, the world is whipped up into supporters of Israel against Hamas.
In the Arab world, the situation is probably the reverse but with the same outcome of cries for revenge. The cabal this time has everyone crying out for retaliation.
Or we become supporters of border Americans against the “invasion” at the southern border that we ourselves allowed and arm ourselves to confront the invading host, etc., etc.
All the leading personalities and corporations chime in on cue. We’re a perfectly divided society – again.
Their solution (or price) is always the same: tighter control of the population.
We need to see that both sides of any engagement are fronts for, and funded by, the deep state. No matter who wins or loses, the deep state wins. But not any more.
Whether Gaza or southern “open borders” or anywhere else in the world, we must stop the cabal.
The Ukraine must feel jilted. But so goes the cabal plan – move from issue to issue. Keep people off-balance.
All the climate activists, adrenochrome users, pedophiles, corrupt politicians, and fraud artists, go back in the closet again. In the face of this new distraction, we’ve forgotten about you and the issues you represent.
Don’t fall for it. Ordinary Israelis and Palestinians undoubtedly want what we all want – well, those of us not into world domination – peace and the freedom to live our lives as we’d like to.
Opt for peace instead and settle our differences from that place. Surely by now we can see that leaving things to our governments to decide only leads to world domination and a regime we won’t like. Our governments have been systematically corrupted.
None of the cabal’s aims and strategies are in the Mother’s Plan and so they’ll neither last nor prove ultimately successful. The Mother is quite clear on the matter:
Divine Mother: [I am speaking about] those in … positions where control and abuse of power have been rampant. That will not be the platform [from] which [Ascension] takes place…. That is not the Plan.
I know very clearly, Sweet One, as do you, if it is not [in] my Plan, then it will not occur. (2)
DM: Make no mistake, Sweet One, Love will win because that has been my Plan always. (3)
Love will win, not hatred and hostility. Freedom will prevail, not world domination.
(Concluded in Part 2, below.)
(1) “The elderly are useless eaters.” – Henry Kissinger. quoted in the book The Final Days.
(2) The Divine Mother in “Enter the Delegations – Part 2/3,” May 5, 2019, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2019/05/05/enter-the-delegations-part-2-3/.
(3) Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, April 30, 2019.