
Official White House Photo by Pete Souza. So sad….
I wrote the article that follows before I listened to Tucker Carlson’s interview with Larry Sinclair on Twitter/X, from Sept. 6.
And I had it scheduled for a later time, but with Larry’s interview appearing yesterday, I think now’s the appropriate time to broach the subject.
(Larry’s interview follows this article. Anyone focused on maintaining a high vibration should probably not watch it.)
I think the biggest disappointment for me in all the criminal undertakings we see revealed today is what is looking like – if the rumors are true – President Barack Obama turning out to be a major bad actor.
The word from those who research the subject is that Barack and Michelle were executed some years back, along with the Bushes, Cheneys and others responsible for 9/11, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc., whose administration his own followed. A further allegation is that an inquest was held on Michelle Obama and confirmed that she was a man.
An example of the execution lists circulating on the Internet.
We’ve all seen the videos of actors technologically reproducing President Obama’s words perfectly so we know how that’s done.
Here’s a video showing the use of AI without human intervention, to reproduce his voice:
Apparently, Barack is played in person by Tim Russ, the actor who played the Vulcan Tuvok in Star Trek: Voyager in the 1990s.
I find it hard to write I’m so disappointed and sad right now. The deep state killed Camelot (1) and now a person I idolized appears to have fallen – and to have been a leader of the band
What did it for me was hearing a whistleblower – not Larry Sinclair – report a crime so bad that I could no longer hold onto my ever-thinning thread of hope. The accumulated weight and seriousness of the allegations, with the addition of this last one, had done me in.
If President Trump suddenly revealed that one man played the role of double agent and made the whole draining of the swamp possible and that man was … secret agent Barack Obama! I’d be so relieved. I’d be so happy.
And President Obama and Michelle would emerge from behind the curtain, back from the Witness Protection Program! My faith in humanity would be restored.
But that doesn’t look humanly possible to me at this moment.
I’ve needed to close this chapter for a long time. And it’s been one of the hardest things I’ve had to do.
I shudder to think that some of what is alleged will be revealed to be true in the Ten Days of Disclosure. I can feel my body begin to shake even now, just thinking about hearing it confirmed.
How will it be for others who know nothing of what’s going on?
The revelations have started. Larry Sinclair relates how he had two cocaine-fuelled sexual encounters with President Obama in 1999 and had his life “destroyed” when he reported his encounters to the Democratic National Committee in 2007, assuming they didn’t know this about their candidate.
Their response to him showed they did.
Larry’s interview with Tucker is too consequential to not be posted. There will be more news of a similarly-shocking nature in the days and weeks ahead. Let me allow Matthew Ward to speak for me on why we post it:
“We have been criticized for speaking about politics, the economy, mainstream media and the “pandemic” by readers who believe that kind of information doesn’t belong in messages of spiritual nature.
“We respect their opinion, but we think they are ignoring the conscious part of advancing in awareness. Does that not include learning the truth about what is happening on Earth, that many evolved civilizations are helping the light forces vanquish the darkness that has been controlling life on the planet for eons?
“Never have we advocated focusing on darkness—that gives it energy! But ridding it from the world requires acknowledging its existence and bringing it to light. If messengers of the light did not talk about this essential cleansing process and the planetary and personal ascension that are transpiring in tandem, from what source would it come?”
If the alternative press was not revealing these details, the mockingbird press would not be either. No one would be revealing the plot by the deep state to take control of the world, reduce the population, and enslave the rest.
None of the above will happen, in large part because we’re informed and thus awake and prepared.
Ep. 22 Larry Sinclair says he had a night of crack cocaine-fueled sex with Barack Obama, and that Obama came back for more the next day. Assess for yourself. Here’s our interview.
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) September 6, 2023
(1) The deep state (CIA and FBI) assassinated President John. F. Kennedy, on Nov. 12, 1963.
I remember how devastating it was to hear in 2000 indisputable proof that my guru, alleged to be a purnavatar or full and complete incarnation of God, turned out to be a rampant pedophile. My world fell apart. That’s how it may be for a large number of people during the EBS disclosures.