by Nicky Hamid
Life is not a quest to find yourself and a special place called “Home”, for if you are looking for the answer outside yourself then, though it can be an interesting journey, ultimately you will never be content. It may feed you in the moment but you will always get hungry again. Your unfulfilled longing will remain.
There is no quest because there is nothing to find. You have always been here and so you have never been lost.
You have been searching for something that has always been present. You have been searching for the key to unlock the treasure chest of creation and yourself and it has been in “your hands” always.
You just needed to Remember and look.
So your journey is not about finding anything.
It is about REMEMBERING and owning all that is there within you and then Allowing. It is about expansion and experiencing.
Your journey is about enjoying (experiencing joy) the “newness” and exhilaration of the ride for Eternity.
Experiencing every corner, every dimension, every nuance of energy manifestation of the Cosmos, when, where, and how you see fit. Going to Heart, Remembering, and making your Freewill Choices,
And you take it all Home with You. You take who you are and your eternal, infinite connection with You, on a never ending journey of Your own choosing.
You are content, at Home and simultaneously in constant evolution and expansion anywhere.
Contentment is in the knowing of your Place (Home, I AM) and Joy is in the experience of change and growth (expansion), of experience just for the sake of it (because you want to). And it all comes about through Absolute Pure Love of Self at One with All That Is.
And it is this Love. Your love, and the fashioning of it in your life Now, that is creating our New World in the soft, all pervasive, power filled energies of this incoming (Lion’s Gate), pink diamond consciousness.
It will be Your love that will lift the whole of humanity up into the LIGHT of our miraculous Now.
Shine On
I So Love You